1) Are you ready to order? - Yes, please. Can I have .............................. and rice? a) chicken b) a chicken 2) ......................................................... do you have in your henhouse? a) How much chicken b) How many chickens 3) ....................................... is a candy made from cacao beans. a) Chocolate b) A chocolate 4) OK. You can choose ..................................... from my box, but I'll take one from your box. a) chocolate b) a chocolate 5) Do as ............................................. as you can and you'll improve your English in a month or two. a) much exercise b) many exercises 6) Sharon, you should take more ................................ if you want to lose weight. a) exercise b) exercises 7) Josh has ...................................................... in the kitchen, but he does know how to make really good scrambled eggs. a) little experience b) few experiences 8) I met my boss only once and it was ........................................... I will never forget. a) experience b) an experience 9) Don't forget to turn all the ................... off before you leave the house. a) light b) lights 10) Our apartment is surrounded by tall trees so it doesn't get ......................... a) light b) a light 11) Excuse me. Do you have ...................................... at your hotel for tonight? a) free room b) a free room 12) I got rid of some old books to make ......................... for contemporary American writers. a) room b) a room

Both countables and uncountables


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