5 Jumping Jacks - Caste- The class or distinct hereditary order into which a Hindu is assigned according to religious law., 10 Squats - emerge- to come into view, 10 Leg Lifts - guru- a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher, 1 minute plank - language family- A collection of languages related to each other through a common ancestor long before recorded history., 5 push ups - migrate- To move from one place to another to live, especially a large group of people., 10 Jumping Jacks - monsoon- A seasonal wind., 5 mountain climbers - Raja- an Indian prince, 5 Burpees - reincarnation-  In Hinduism and Buddhism, the process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect, 15 squats - Sanskrit (Hinduism) an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism), 30 second large arm circles - subcontinent- A large landmass that is smaller than a continent, 30 second plank - Vedas- Ancient Sanskrit writings that are the earliest sacred texts of Hinduism., 15 squats -  Good job with those squats but you don't have to write a vocab word, 10 high knees - Nice Job!, 10 push ups - You are so strong!,

Vocabulary Work Out- Indus River Valley



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