Calamity - A great misfortune or disaster, as a flood or serious injury, Spew - To cast forth, gush, or eject, as a disgust or anger, Dismal - Causing gloom or dejection; gloomy; dreary; cheerless; melancholy, Sinister - Threatening or pretending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous; bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell, Desolation - Devastation; ruin; dreariness; barrenness; deprivation of companionship; loneliness, Agile - A quick and well-coordinated in movement; marked by an ability to think quickly; mentally acute or aware, Bondage - Slavery or involuntary servitude; the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control, Eccentric - Deviating from the recognized or customary character, practice, etc.; irregular; erratic; peculiar; odd, Plunder - To rob of goods or valuables by open force, as in war, hostile raids, brigandage, etc.; to take wrongfully, as by pillage, robbery, or fraud, Wary - Watchful; being on one’s guard against danger or characterized by caution, Gilded - Having a pleasing or showy appearance that conceals something of little worth, Opaque - Not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through, Murky - Dark, gloomy, and cheerless; obscure or thick with mist, haze, etc., as the air, Curator - The person in charge of a museum, art collection, etc., Steadfast - firm in purpose, resolution, faith, attachment, etc., as a person, Rampart - A broad elevation or mound of earth raised as a fortification around a place and usually capped with a stone or earth parapet., Inkling - a slight suggestion or indication; hint; intimation; a vague idea or notion; slight understanding, Premonition - A feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event; presentiment, Fanatical - Motivated or characterized by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics., Stupendous - Causing amazement; astounding; marvelous; amazingly large or great; immense,
The House of Dies Drear Review 1-6
Επεξεργασία περιεχομένου
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων
Εμφάνιση λιγότερων
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι ιδιωτικός. Κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή
για να τον δημοσιοποιήσετε.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης έχει απενεργοποιηθεί από τον κάτοχό του.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι απενεργοποιημένος, καθώς οι επιλογές σας είναι διαφορετικές από τον κάτοχό του.
Επαναφορά επιλογών
Βρες τα ζευγάρια
είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.
Απαιτείται σύνδεση
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Απαιτείται συνδρομή
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