Increasing the national minimum wage - All workers in an economy must be paid at least a certain rate per hour., Education and training - Includes funding for apprenticeships, increasing the school leaving age, subsidising firm’s training bills., Reducing trade union power - Groups representing workers have fewer rights., Allowing more immigration - Restrictions may be reduced. Those with certain skills may be offered special incentives to come., Reducing unemployment benefit - Cut state benefits such as job seeker’s allowance., Reducing direct taxes - Reducing charges on business profits or household income., Help for small/new firms - Grants, tax breaks, state funded advisors, reducing paperwork/administration, Privatisation - Selling state owned assets to private companies, Reducing protectionism - Reducing tariffs, quotas etc reducing how much domestic firms are protected from foreign competition., Spending on infrastructure - Government spending on building new roads or improving existing ones, funding high speed broadband, new airport runways etc., State funded childcare - Government could subsidise or directly provide care for pre-school children.,

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