1) Japan has a ____________________ population. This means the majority of its people share the same culture/ethnicity.  a) Heterogeneous b) Homogeneous 2) Most widely practiced religion(s) in India a) Islam b) Judaism c) Budduism d) Christianity & Judaism e) Buddism & Hinduism f) Hinduism & Islam 3) Which are considered to be "Abrahamic Religions"? a) Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism b) Christianity, Islam, Judaism c) Buddhism, Christianity,Islam d) Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity e) Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism f) Islam, Judaism, Hinduism 4) Came into being after the completion of the Chinese Civil War. a) India b) China c) Formosa/Taiwan d) Laous e) Thailand f) Vietnam 5) This country in Asia was formerly known as Burma a) Israeo b) Pakistan c) Korea d) Myanmar e) Kurdistan f) Bermuda  6) This organization wants to promote peace and stability in the region and combat China economically a) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) b) United Nations (UN) c) Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)  d) Association of Northeast Asian Nations (ANEAN) e) Association of Asia's Nations (AAN) f) World Healthcare Organization (WHO) 7) When a company decides to send work abroad because the cost of labor is cheaper in other countries. a) Proliferation b) Zoning c) Outcasting d) Abandonment e) Industrialization f) Outsourcing 8) The spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology, or fissile material to countries that do not already possess them. a) Arms Race b) Nuclear War Race c) Nuclear Proliferation d) Nuclear Assisstance e) Nuclear Awareness f) Armistice  9) A form of farming in which nearly all of the crops or livestock raised are used to maintain the farmer and the farmer's family, with little to no excess. a) Subsistence Farming b) Efficient Farming c) Fair Farming d) Family Farming 10) This policy was a law in China between 1979 - 2015. It decreased population growth and resulted in an unbalanced male/female population.  a) One Kid Policy b) One Marriage Policy c) One Child Policy d) One House Policy 11) As counties become more industrious & urbanized, they face this major issue a) Overpopulation b) Underpopulation c) Outsourcing d) Market Failures e) Pollution 12) The Soviet Union created an ecological disaster when they diverted the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers away from this sea. a) Black Sea b) Caspian Sea c) Red Sea d) Yellow Sea e) Mediterranean Sea f) Aral Sea 13) This country was created by the United Nations after WWII a) Israel b) Jerusalem c) Kurdistan d) Laos e) Pakistan f) Iran 14) What is this system called? a) Feudal system b) Caste System c) Manorial System d) Governmental System e) Economic System 15) This group of people have dispursed across 5 Middle Eastern countries due to having their land taken from them. a) The Jews b) The Batu c) The Medes d) The Kurds



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