Developing Characteristics: Low GDP per capita, Dependence on primary production, Low level of investment in capital and technology, Lack of infrastructure, Poor human capital - Unskilled, poorly educated labour force (low literacy rate), Lack of capital invest – subsistence economies with no surplus to invest, Corruption of Government and officials, Weak tax base so little government revenue, Political instability and military conflicts divert resources, Inadequate health services, high HIV rates, low life expectancy, high infant mortality, Emerging Characteristics: Rapid economic growth – increasing GDP per capita, High levels of foreign investment, Increasing standard of living, lower infant mortality rate and longer life expectancy, Improved infrastructure, Increasingly producing more manufactured goods for export, Political stability, Free trade and open markets, Move from primary to secondary industry, Increased levels of education with higher literacy rates, Favourable tax and regulatory regimes,

N5 Economics Understanding Global Trade - Developing and Emerging Economies


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