The printer got jammed again, and now we can’t print the reports., If you made the mistake, you should own up to it rather than let someone else take the blame., He eventually had to confess that he had forgotten to send the email to the client., They tried to blame the intern for the error, but it was really a system failure., This old computer is completely useless for running modern software., Maria is responsible for managing the company’s social media accounts., If we don’t finish the project on time, we’ll lose the client – simple as that., The welfare officer helped the new employees settle into their roles by explaining the company benefits., He’s in charge of organizing the annual company conference this year., I’ve made reservations at the restaurant for Friday night., The travel agency has a great vacation package on offer for the summer holidays., She’s been assigned to manage the advertising account for the new client., Being chosen for the lead project was a real vote of confidence from the management., You can always count on Sarah to deliver her work on time., I promised to help with the presentation, and I don’t want to let you down., These sentences are now concise and focus on usage without repetition of the key words.,

Navigate C1: Unit 4.1 Active vocabulary practice


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