1) Where is the duck?  a) in the pond b) in the pen 2) Where is the goose?  a) in the pond b) in the pen 3) Where is the cat? a) on the sheep b) on the horse c) behind the horse d) behind the sheep 4) Where is the hen? a) on the horse's eye b) on the horse's nose c) on the horse's ear 5) Where is the sheep? a) in front of the horse b) behind the horse 6) What is the farmer's favourite animal? a) a horse b) a fine prize cow c) a cat 7) What did the ladybird say?  a) woof b) moo c) miaw d) hiss e) it said never a word 8) Whad did the ladybird see?  a) two men in a green van b) three men in a black van c) two men in black van 9) What was their cunning plan?  a) they wanted to feed the cow b) they wanted to pat the cow c) they wanted to steal the cow 10) Where are the thieves? a) in the tree b) in the pen c) in the pond



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