Immunity - ability to ward off disease, Susceptibility - lack of resistance to a disease, Innate Immunity - First line of defense, defenses against any pathogen, rapid and present at birth, Dermis - inner, thicker portion made of connective tissue, blood vessels, Hypodermis - lies beneath the dermis (fatty tissue), Epidermis - outer, thinner portion made of tightly packed epithelial cells containing keratin, Goblet Cells - produce and secrete mucus, Component System - plasma protein mediators consisting of proteins circulating in blood serum, Opsonization - promotes attachment of a phagocyte to a microbe; “flagging”, Cytokines - soluble proteins that act as communication signals between cells, Autocrine - same cell secretes and receive cytokine signal, Paracrine - cytokine signal secreted to a nearby cell, Endocrine - cytokine signal secreted to circulatory system; travels to distant cells, Interleukins - modulator of immune response, Chemokines - chemotactic factors that recruit leukocytes to sites of infection, tissue damage, and inflammation, Interferons - produced by cells infected by viruses; have antiviral activity, Neutrophils - phagocytic; works in early stages of infection, Basophils - release histamine (inflammation eliciting mediators by cytokines); work in allergic responses, Eosinophils - phagocytic; toxic against parasites and helminths, Monocytes - largest white blood cells; differentiate into tissue-specific phagocytes (macrophage and dendritic cells), NK Cells - cells that bind to abnormal target cell and releases perforin to create pores in target cell, Infection Signs - Erythema, Edema, Heat, Pain, Altered Function,



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