affectionate - showing caring feelings and love for somebody, assertive - expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence so that people take notice, bossy - always telling people what to do (negative), curious - having a strong desire to know about things and people, interested in things, nosy - being too interested in other people's affairs, easy-going - relaxed and happy to accept things without getting angry or worried, loyal - remaining faithful to smb or to a company, be supportive, moody - having moods that change quickly and often / annoyed and unhappy, outgoing - liking to meet other people, enjoing their company and being friendly towards them, rebellious - unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, reliable - that can be trusted to do smth well; that you can rely on, sensible - able to make good judgements based on reasons and experiences rather than emotions; practical, sensitive - aware of and be able to understand other people's feelings or easily offended or hurt, stubborn - determined not to change your opinion or attitude,

English File Advanced Unit 1A Personality


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