1) Global population reached 9 billion (2042) 2) Nearly half of the Amazon rainforest has been deforested (2050) 3) People are on Mars (2059) 4) The end of oil age (2050-2060) 5) China has the biggest GDP (2030th) 6) Water become a weapon of war (2030th) 7) Virtual telepathy is dominating personal communications (2040) 8) The world’s first trillionaire (2039) 9) Depression is the number one global disease (2030) 10) Chocolate become a rare luxury (2031) 11) Terabit internet speed be commonplace (2032) 12) Lung disease in China kill 80 million (2033) 13) Service robots number a billion worldwide (2034) 14) Fully automated homes (2070) 15) Plastic recycle rates 100% worldwide (2073)


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