Unconditional Love - The ability to love another under any circumstance, such as the love of a parent for a child., Parenting - Using skills to care for and raise a child to adulthood., Anemia - ›A condition of weakness and fatigue caused by an iron-deficient diet., Infertility - inability to conceive a child, or a woman’s inability to carry a child to full term., Endometriosis - A disease in which uterine tissue grows outside the uterus, resulting in pain and infertility., Responsible Parenting - Making choices that will help a child develop fully in all areas, Preeclampsia - A condition during pregnancy that includes swelling and high blood pressure., Ovulation - The process in which the ovaries release a mature egg., Artificial Insemination - A syringe is used to deposit sperm directly into the uterus to cause pregnancy., Closed Adoption - Type of adoption in which the child does not know the identity of the birth parents., In Vitro Fertilization - removing an egg from the ovary, fertilizing it with sperm, and implanting it in the uterus, International Adoption - Type of adoption in which a family adopts a child from another country., Surrogate Mother - A woman hired by a couple to carry the couple’s child to birth., Home Study - Agency or social workers conducts an evaluation of a couple’s home to determine its suitability,

Choosing to Parent


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