consumer - organisms that eat other living organisms (ex. rabbits eat grass, bears eat salmon, bacteria eats flesh), carnivore - a consumer that eats only animals, herbivore  - a consumer that eats only plants, omnivore  - a consumer that eats both plants and animals, scavenger - a type of carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms, decomposer - organism/consumer that gets its energy by breaking down wastes and dead organisms, prey - an organism that is killed and eaten by another organism, predator - an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food, producer - can make its own food (autotroph), symbiosis - a close relationship between two different species that benefits at least one of the species, mutualism (+ +) - interaction that benefits both species, commensalism (+ 0) - interaction that benefits one species, no effect on the other, parasitism (+ -) - one organism benefits and the other is harmed,

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