
Adult education

Examples from our community

362 results for 'adult education'

The Passive Voice
The Passive Voice Spin the wheel
Questions with How + adjective
Questions with How + adjective Quiz
Fun Quest 4 - Adverbs of Manner
Fun Quest 4 - Adverbs of Manner Matching pairs
Fun Quest 3 - Free Time and Simples Present
Fun Quest 3 - Free Time and Simples Present Quiz
Fun Quest 4 - Types of TV Shows
Fun Quest 4 - Types of TV Shows Matching pairs
Tell us about
Tell us about Speaking cards
Metodologias Tradicionais vs. Metodologias Ativas
Metodologias Tradicionais vs. Metodologias Ativas Group sort
COMPREENSÃO DA PALAVRA Complete the sentence
4th Junior - Types of Parties
4th Junior - Types of Parties Matching pairs
Memory Game (past verbs)
Memory Game (past verbs) Matching pairs
Shopping Dialogue - New Basic 1 / Angles 1
Shopping Dialogue - New Basic 1 / Angles 1 Match up
Junior 3 - Fun Quest 3
Junior 3 - Fun Quest 3 Unjumble
Angles 2 - Present Continuous
Angles 2 - Present Continuous Complete the sentence
Directions and Locations - Angles 2
Directions and Locations - Angles 2 Quiz
Days of the Week
Days of the Week Matching pairs
Days of the week (pt 2)
Days of the week (pt 2) Gameshow quiz
Fun Quest 2 - My Healthy Breakfast
Fun Quest 2 - My Healthy Breakfast Gameshow quiz
Fun Quest 2 - My Favourite Animal
Fun Quest 2 - My Favourite Animal Quiz
Speaking Spin the wheel
Adição Find the match
What's the sentence? - Fun Quest 2
What's the sentence? - Fun Quest 2 Unjumble
Physical Characteristics - Fun Quest 2
Physical Characteristics - Fun Quest 2 Gameshow quiz
Healthy Habits - Fun Quest 2
Healthy Habits - Fun Quest 2 Gameshow quiz
Cognatos ou falsos cognatos?
Cognatos ou falsos cognatos? Group sort
Debate - education
Debate - education Speaking cards
Fun Quest 1 - Happy Birthday!
Fun Quest 1 - Happy Birthday! Gameshow quiz
Retrospectiva Spin the wheel
Expansion B - Speaking -Unit 5
Expansion B - Speaking -Unit 5 Unjumble
Expansion B -Unit 7 - Speaking
Expansion B -Unit 7 - Speaking Unjumble
Expansion B - Unit 6 - Speaking
Expansion B - Unit 6 - Speaking Flip tiles
Expansion B - Unit 7 -Emotions
Expansion B - Unit 7 -Emotions Spin the wheel
Expansion B- Speaking Vocabulary Unit 6
Expansion B- Speaking Vocabulary Unit 6 Spin the wheel
Expansion A - Unit 4 - Vocabulary
Expansion A - Unit 4 - Vocabulary Speaking cards
Survival expressions - A1_Simplifica Inglês
Survival expressions - A1_Simplifica Inglês Match up
memory game: clothes
memory game: clothes Matching pairs
Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns Match up
EXT4-L21- Speaking about the future of education
EXT4-L21- Speaking about the future of education Speaking cards
There is / There are (Move 2)
There is / There are (Move 2) Gameshow quiz
Ocs Puzzle
Ocs Puzzle Match up
Julia Kurata - 8th grade A
Julia Kurata - 8th grade A Quiz
Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Match up
Giving Advice
Giving Advice Unjumble
Manuella- 7B°
Manuella- 7B° Quiz
Group 5- 8ºB
Group 5- 8ºB Quiz
Junior 04 - Material and Games
Junior 04 - Material and Games Gameshow quiz
Present Continuous for Future
Present Continuous for Future Quiz
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