
Adult teaching ing spelling

Examples from our community

3,019 results for 'adult teaching ing spelling'

Days of the Week
Days of the Week Matching pairs
Days of the week (pt 2)
Days of the week (pt 2) Gameshow quiz
Conversation Topics - Adjectives
Conversation Topics - Adjectives Speaking cards
Cognatos ou falsos cognatos?
Cognatos ou falsos cognatos? Group sort
SPELLING Speaking cards
Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns Match up
-ing spelling
-ing spelling Group sort
Write the verbs correctly
Write the verbs correctly Quiz
Ing and ED Adjectives
Ing and ED Adjectives Quiz
Agreeing and Disagreeing
Agreeing and Disagreeing Group sort
Verbs + ING
Verbs + ING Spin the wheel
Spelling game!
Spelling game! Spin the wheel
The Passive Voice
The Passive Voice Spin the wheel
Spelling Open the box
infinitive or -ing?
infinitive or -ing? Spin the wheel
Like+ing Unjumble
ed / ing
ed / ing Spin the wheel
ING - Rules
ING - Rules Group sort
ING verbs
ING verbs Find the match
AEF2 U4C - Adjectives ending -ed and -ing
AEF2 U4C - Adjectives ending -ed and -ing Quiz
ING Wordsearch
Numbers - Spelling
Numbers - Spelling Anagram
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