Examples from our community
4,216 results for 'conversation'
Debate (B2/C1)
Open the box
Speaking Placement test
Spin the wheel
Speaking time: Conversation Starters
Spin the wheel
Conversation cards - Random topics
Speaking cards
Comparative conversation questions
Speaking cards
Speak for a minute
Open the box
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Open the box
Spin the wheel
Relative pronouns + conversation
Complete the sentence
Open the box
Open the box
Spin the wheel
Qui êtes-vous ?
Speaking cards
Christmas and New Year conversation topics
Spin the wheel
Speaking cards
Past Simple Conversation Questions
Conversation - general topics
Speaking cards
What would you do? (in this situation)
Speaking cards
Speaking Challenge A2
Open the box
65 Business English Conversation Questions
Open the box
"I owe you one" and other informal expressions
Win or lose quiz
Let's talk about life?
Open the box
Conversation Club 1
Spin the wheel
Tell us about
Speaking cards
Talking about life - teenagers
Spin the wheel
A2 - giving your opinion
Spin the wheel
Compare the topics
Speaking cards
Talking about life B2-C1
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Comparative conversation questions
Speaking cards
Questions about life
Spin the wheel
Have you ever ... ?
Speaking cards
Talking about the past
Spin the wheel
Conversation Verb To BE
Speaking cards
Movies (conversation)
Speaking cards
Conversation Starters
Speaking cards
Conversation Openers
Speaking cards
Halloween Conversation
Speaking cards
Conversation Kids
Spin the wheel
Conversation questions - traveling
Speaking cards
Basic Conversation
Conversation Topics - Adjectives
Speaking cards
Conversation Starters
Spin the wheel
Conversation class - Travel
Spin the wheel
Conversation cards :)
Speaking cards
Conversation A1
Spin the wheel
Will and going to
Speaking with phrasal verbs
Speaking cards
'Going to' for future plans
Open the box
Let's talk about you
Spin the wheel
Tell me about you
Open the box