
English / ESL Idioms

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'english idioms'

Verbs in the past 2
Verbs in the past 2 Whack-a-mole
Describing people with slangs - Terms + Definitions
Describing people with slangs - Terms + Definitions Flip tiles
idioms about travelling
idioms about travelling Match up
Colour Idioms
Colour Idioms Match up
Class 17 - Subject / object pronouns
Class 17 - Subject / object pronouns Airplane
American vs British English
American vs British English Group sort
Idioms Find the match
Business Words
Business Words Match up
Tough questions (English File 4th ed - Upper - Unit 1A)
Tough questions (English File 4th ed - Upper - Unit 1A) Open the box
Relative pronouns + conversation
Relative pronouns + conversation Complete the sentence
Conversation questions about News and Fake News
Conversation questions about News and Fake News Open the box
Project Management Terminology + Expressions
Project Management Terminology + Expressions Match up
Let's talk business, shall we?
Let's talk business, shall we? Speaking cards
English Open the box
Compounds some/any/no
Compounds some/any/no Quiz
Idioms for emotions
Idioms for emotions Match up
Tenses - Review
Tenses - Review Complete the sentence
Money idioms
Money idioms Labelled diagram
C2 Idioms
C2 Idioms Complete the sentence
MUSIC: idioms
MUSIC: idioms Find the match
Food & Drink (A2)
Food & Drink (A2) Group sort
Food & Drink (A1)
Food & Drink (A1) Find the match
present simple questions
present simple questions Speaking cards
Conversation cards :)
Conversation cards :) Speaking cards
Restaurant Vocabulary
Restaurant Vocabulary Group sort
Speaking - Mixed Verb Tenses
Speaking - Mixed Verb Tenses Spin the wheel
Subject, Object Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns
Subject, Object Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Complete the sentence
Business Words (versão em Português)
Business Words (versão em Português) Match up
Job interview - questions & answers
Job interview - questions & answers Complete the sentence
Past or Past Participle
Past or Past Participle Group sort
Past or Present Perfect?
Past or Present Perfect? Quiz
Like x As
Like x As Quiz
Many / Much / Very
Many / Much / Very Group sort
Idioms and Collocations
Idioms and Collocations Match up
English Quiz - 6°A
English Quiz - 6°A Maze chase
Strong Adjectives
Strong Adjectives Match up
Inter 1 - Unit 3 - Activity 13
Inter 1 - Unit 3 - Activity 13 Quiz
Double Comparative
Double Comparative Unjumble
Speaking: You and your phone
Speaking: You and your phone Speaking cards
Simple Present - General Conversation about Life
Simple Present - General Conversation about Life Open the box
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and Superlatives Quiz
How often
How often Complete the sentence
Subject pronoun + verb to be
Subject pronoun + verb to be Complete the sentence
Answer fast! (There is, there are)
Answer fast! (There is, there are) Speaking cards
Future - will x going to
Future - will x going to Quiz
Questions Quiz
Questions with and without auxiliary verbs
Questions with and without auxiliary verbs Quiz
Food Idioms
Food Idioms Find the match
What's on the menu? (A1)
What's on the menu? (A1) Find the match
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