Examples from our community
1,170 results for 'get'

T2 - Uses of GET
Group sort

GET (phrasal verbs)

Get - Phrases
Speaking cards

Get + Adjective / Expressions with 'Get'
Find the match

Get to know each other
Spin the wheel

phrasal verbs with get
Open the box

FCE questions be, get used to
Spin the wheel

Causatives: Have / Get Something Done
Flash cards

Match up

GET questionnaire
Spin the wheel

Used to, be used to, get used to - Speaking Activity (B2)
Spin the wheel

Match up

Find the match

Complete the sentence


Matching pairs

AEF 1 - Unit 7C - GO / HAVE / GET
Complete the sentence

Causative HAVE \ GET

Take vs Get
True or false

Get to know
Open the box

Phrasal Verbs Get
Match up

Collocations with get
Match up

Expressions with get
Find the match

vacation / get to know students
Spin the wheel

get to know each other
Spin the wheel

Get to know each other
Speaking cards

Open the box

MAC 1 - Phrasal verbs with get'
Spin the wheel

T2 - Uses of GET PAC MAN
Maze chase

Gameshow quiz

Verb GET
Find the match

Get - Phrases
Speaking cards

Used to / Be used to / Get used to
Spin the wheel

used to x be used to x get used to
Match up

CX6 - 1E (Get)
Spin the wheel

Questions using GET
Spin the wheel

get to know you
Spin the wheel

Group sort

Questions with GET
Speaking cards

Phrases with get
Open the box

GET: different meanings
Group sort

phrases with get!
Group sort

Idioms with get
Match up

Meanings get (3b-U12A)
Match up

Get to Know Game
Spin the wheel

Evolve 6 - U8 - get expressions
Match up

Get started verb + adjective + noun

How can you get there?
Labelled diagram

Get to know each other
Spin the wheel

First day - get to know me
Spin the wheel

get to know people at work
Spin the wheel
![Get to know you [Pre inter]](
Get to know you [Pre inter]
Open the box

How do you get to school?
Image quiz
Causative have/get - Complete First - Unit 13
Spin the wheel
Let's get to know each other
Open the box