
Intermediate speaking

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10,000+ results for 'intermediate speaking'

4A Me and my opinions
4A Me and my opinions Spin the wheel
Talk About - Speaking
Talk About - Speaking Spin the wheel
4B Tell us about ...
4B Tell us about ... Speaking cards
5B Past and Present
5B Past and Present Spin the wheel
4A In 20 years' time
4A In 20 years' time Speaking cards
5A Second Conditional - Speaking
5A Second Conditional - Speaking Open the box
5A Third Conditional
5A Third Conditional Spin the wheel
Speaking: You and your phone
Speaking: You and your phone Speaking cards
4.2 QUESTIONS OF THE FUTURE Speaking cards
5B Superlative questions - Complete and answers the questions
5B Superlative questions - Complete and answers the questions Quiz
Talking About Music
Talking About Music Spin the wheel
Half-minute topics
Half-minute topics Spin the wheel
Second Conditional - Speaking Activity (B1-B2)
Second Conditional - Speaking Activity (B1-B2) Spin the wheel
Used to, be used to, get used to - Speaking Activity (B2)
Used to, be used to, get used to - Speaking Activity (B2) Spin the wheel
Ext 2 - L 2 Speaking
Ext 2 - L 2 Speaking Speaking cards
Conversation questions - traveling
Conversation questions - traveling Speaking cards
Personality Characteristics - Speaking Activity (All Levels)
Personality Characteristics - Speaking Activity (All Levels) Open the box
Burning Questions - Speaking Activity (A2)
Burning Questions - Speaking Activity (A2) Spin the wheel
Common stereotypes about men and women - Speaking Activity (B1)
Common stereotypes about men and women - Speaking Activity (B1) Open the box
What is your story? - Speaking Activity (All Levels)
What is your story? - Speaking Activity (All Levels) Spin the wheel
Welcome back - Unfinished sentences warm up activity - Intermediate to Advanced
Welcome back - Unfinished sentences warm up activity - Intermediate to Advanced Spin the wheel
What would you do? (in this situation)
What would you do? (in this situation) Speaking cards
Conversation Openers - Sentences to help one speak about oneself
Conversation Openers - Sentences to help one speak about oneself Speaking cards
Speak for a minute
Speak for a minute Open the box
Speaking time: Conversation Starters
Speaking time: Conversation Starters Spin the wheel
Talking about life B2-C1
Talking about life B2-C1 Speaking cards
Shopping vocabulary + Present perfect - Pre-intermediate
Shopping vocabulary + Present perfect - Pre-intermediate Speaking cards
6C Talk About it
6C Talk About it Speaking cards
Past tense / Time expressions in English - Expressões do passado em inglês
Past tense / Time expressions in English - Expressões do passado em inglês Speaking cards
Gerunds and Infinitives - Speaking Activity (B2)
Gerunds and Infinitives - Speaking Activity (B2) Open the box
Clauses of Purpose - Speaking Activity (B2)
Clauses of Purpose - Speaking Activity (B2) Open the box
Should/Shouldn't - Speaking Activity (A2)
Should/Shouldn't - Speaking Activity (A2) Spin the wheel
Have you ever ... ?
Have you ever ... ? Speaking cards
Classroom language
Classroom language Quiz
Used To - Speaking Activity (A2)
Used To - Speaking Activity (A2) Spin the wheel
Survival Questions - Speaking Activity (B2)
Survival Questions - Speaking Activity (B2) Open the box
Present Continuous (Future Arrangements) - Speaking Activity (A2)
Present Continuous (Future Arrangements) - Speaking Activity (A2) Spin the wheel
Have to, don't have to, must, mustn't - Speaking Activity (A2)
Have to, don't have to, must, mustn't - Speaking Activity (A2) Spin the wheel
Past Modals - Speaking Activity (B2)
Past Modals - Speaking Activity (B2) Spin the wheel
School Materials
School Materials Image quiz
Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases - Speaking Activity (B2)
Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases - Speaking Activity (B2) Open the box
Present Simple - Speaking Activity (B1)
Present Simple - Speaking Activity (B1) Spin the wheel
Culinary Arts - Speaking Activity (A2)
Culinary Arts - Speaking Activity (A2) Spin the wheel
Past Simple VS Present Perfect- Speaking Activity (B2)
Past Simple VS Present Perfect- Speaking Activity (B2) Spin the wheel
First conditional and future time clauses - Speaking Activity (B1)
First conditional and future time clauses - Speaking Activity (B1) Open the box
Quiz King
Quiz King Quiz
Passive Voice (All Tenses) - Speaking Activity
Passive Voice (All Tenses) - Speaking Activity Spin the wheel
12A Past Perfect
12A Past Perfect Spin the wheel
Would Rather - Speaking Activity (B2)
Would Rather - Speaking Activity (B2) Spin the wheel
Speaking Spin the wheel
Will - Speaking
Will - Speaking Open the box
Speaking Open the box
Welcome back - Unfinished sentences warm up activity - Elementary
Welcome back - Unfinished sentences warm up activity - Elementary Spin the wheel
Conversation questions about News and Fake News
Conversation questions about News and Fake News Open the box
2A Money - Vocabulary
2A Money - Vocabulary Find the match
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Flip tiles
Speaking - Conversation about gossip and rumors
Speaking - Conversation about gossip and rumors Flip tiles
Speaking with phrasal verbs
Speaking with phrasal verbs Speaking cards
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