

Examples from our community

726 results for 'interrogative'

Verb to Be - Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative - Unjumble
Verb to Be - Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative - Unjumble Unjumble
Conversation questions about News and Fake News
Conversation questions about News and Fake News Open the box
JOBS - FAMILY - VERB TO BE ( interrogative and negative)
JOBS - FAMILY - VERB TO BE ( interrogative and negative) Gameshow quiz
Present Continuous - Questions
Present Continuous - Questions Quiz
Speaking - Conversation about gossip and rumors
Speaking - Conversation about gossip and rumors Flip tiles
Conversation Verb To BE
Conversation Verb To BE Speaking cards
Simple Present - General Conversation about Life
Simple Present - General Conversation about Life Open the box
Conversation - Was Were (past of verb to be)
Conversation - Was Were (past of verb to be) Spin the wheel
Verb to be - Affirmative, negative, interrogative.
Verb to be - Affirmative, negative, interrogative. Unjumble
Activity + Conversation - Present Perfect
Activity + Conversation - Present Perfect Flash cards
Auxiliaries - review
Auxiliaries - review Complete the sentence
Verb to Be - Interrogative form | Questions - Missing word
Verb to Be - Interrogative form | Questions - Missing word Complete the sentence
Speaking practice: Conversation Starters
Speaking practice: Conversation Starters Flip tiles
Make up sentences - Past tense verbs with time expressions - Criar frases com verbos e expressões do passado em inglês
Make up sentences - Past tense verbs with time expressions - Criar frases com verbos e expressões do passado em inglês Speaking cards
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative
Be - affirmative, negative and interrogative Quiz
Interrogative pronouns.
Interrogative pronouns. Match up
Sentence word order - Basic English structure
Sentence word order - Basic English structure Unjumble
English Grammar Drill 2 - Was/Were - Verb to be past form
English Grammar Drill 2 - Was/Were - Verb to be past form Flip tiles
Simple Past / interrogative statements
Simple Past / interrogative statements Unjumble
SIMPLE PRESENT: interrogative
SIMPLE PRESENT: interrogative Quiz
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