Adult education Digital skills and online safety
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'adult education digital skills and online safety'
Popular apps and gaming platforms
Match up
Social Media Icons
Match up
Online safety match up
Match up
Basic keyboard
Labelled diagram
H&S Test 1
Health and safety symbols
Find the match
Why is health and safety important?
Group sort
The Purpose of Online Communication
Match up
Group sort
Comparative and Superlative - questions
Open the box
Formal/Informal letters
Group sort
Job Interview
Group sort
Guess the country.
Writing Task 2 - speed thinking
Spin the wheel
Essential Digital Skills
Group sort
Functional Skills Writing Prompts
Spin the wheel
H&S Test 3
Linking words
Group sort
Would you rather / prefer.... (jobs)
Speaking cards
Personal pronouns
Complete the sentence
S1 - Spreadsheet Formula Recap
Maze chase
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics)
Spin the wheel
Labelled diagram
Project Management
Health and safety symbols
Match up
Household cleaning
Labelled diagram
Health and safety symbols
Find the match
Cause and Effect Warmer
Match up
Simple, compound and complex sentences
Group sort
Online shopping!
Complete the sentence
Features of Texts
Group sort
Language Features
Flash cards
Writing a Letter of Complaint
Complete the sentence
Write a letter of complaint about...
Spin the wheel
Organisational (Layout) Features
Labelled diagram
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Spin the wheel
Capital letters and full stops