Adult education Entry 3
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'adult education entry 3'
A Sports Event - Linking Words Gap Fill E3
Complete the sentence
Formal or informal language
Group sort
Say or Tell E3
Describing Places - Adjectives E3
Match up
Used To Questions
Speaking cards
Features of Texts
Group sort
Write a letter of complaint about...
Spin the wheel
Writing a Letter of Complaint
Complete the sentence
Giving Advice (Stress and Intonation)
Speaking cards
Linking Words
Complete the sentence
Article - Organisational (layout) Features
Labelled diagram
Relative Pronouns E3
Match up
Job advert vocabulary
Match up
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL
Match up
Personal information
Match up
ESOL Entry 3 accident vocab
Match up
Punctuation: Commas 1
Group sort
Time Expressions Present Perfect - Story Writing Gap Fill
Complete the sentence
Adjective defintions Entry 2
Match up
Adjectives for people/ character
Getting to know you- ESOL questions
Spin the wheel
Present simple 3rd person questions
Fact or Opinion
Group sort
School Objects
Match up
Present Simple Questions
Can you talk for one minute?
Spin the wheel
Entry 3- writing skills
Spin the wheel
Classroom Rules Vocabulary E3
Match up
Festivals and celebrations
Match up
Reported Speech Sentence Scramble L1
British Values
British Values
Find the match
Formal/Informal letters
Group sort
Speaking cards
General Knowledge Quiz
Maze chase
Present Perfect with for and since
Speaking cards
Capital letters and full stops