
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) B1 comparatives

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10,000+ results for 'esol b1 comparatives'

Missing words in comparative and superlative sentences
Missing words in comparative and superlative sentences Complete the sentence
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Comparative and superlative adjectives Quiz
Homophones for L1 ESOL
Homophones for L1 ESOL Quiz
Comparatives & Superlatives - correct or incorrect?
Comparatives & Superlatives - correct or incorrect? Gameshow quiz
Esol english
Esol english Match up
ESOL Unjumble
Comparatives Unjumble
Beginner questions (sharing information about self)
Beginner questions (sharing information about self) Spin the wheel
 Sport and games quiz
Sport and games quiz Quiz
Spotlight 4_Comparatives
Spotlight 4_Comparatives Quiz
 wh questions
wh questions Quiz
Verb to be questions
Verb to be questions Quiz
Comparatives - endings
Comparatives - endings Group sort
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL) Flip tiles
Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Group sort
Greetings and responses in English
Greetings and responses in English Match up
Modes of transport
Modes of transport Match up
Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 Matching pairs
 Zero conditional
Zero conditional Match up
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL
Contractions Entry 1 ESOL Match up
Question Words
Question Words Complete the sentence
Do you like?
Do you like? Spin the wheel
Days of the week
Days of the week Anagram
What can you do?
What can you do? Spin the wheel
Comparatives - (not)
Comparatives - (not) Unjumble
Order of days of the week
Order of days of the week Rank order
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1 Spin the wheel
Imperatives Match up
Present perfect + / - / ?
Present perfect + / - / ? Unjumble
First Conditional practise
First Conditional practise Quiz
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation Group sort
Past simple, continuous or perfect?
Past simple, continuous or perfect? Complete the sentence
Passive voice - present or past?
Passive voice - present or past? Complete the sentence
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a Complete the sentence
USED TO jumbled sentences
USED TO jumbled sentences Unjumble
JUST, ALREADY, YET Complete the sentence
Prepositions of movement doggy
Prepositions of movement doggy Labelled diagram
Comparatives Spin the wheel
Comparatives Unjumble
Comparatives Speaking cards
in /into /out /out of
in /into /out /out of Complete the sentence
a or an
a or an True or false
Prepostions of place
Prepostions of place Quiz
English alphabet
English alphabet Match up
Comparatives True or false
Comparatives Matching pairs
Months of the year.
Months of the year. Anagram
Comparatives - word order
Comparatives - word order Unjumble
Time Match up
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