Dysgwyr pob oed
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236 results for 'dysgwyr pob oed'
Anifeiliaid Anwes
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Lliwiau - ffeindiwch y pâr
Matching pairs
Numbers (words only) RHIFAU
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Sut wyt ti heddiw?
Dydd Santes Dwynwen
Image quiz
- wch
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Amser llaeth a ffrwyth SNACK TIME
Matching pairs
Random vocab 1 Geirfa hap 1
Matching pairs
Berfenwau Diddordebau
Matching pairs
2.Days of the Week DYDDIAU'R WYTHNOS
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Random vocab 2 Geirfa hap 2
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Random Vocab 0.2 Geirfa Hap
Matching pairs
Berfau a berfenwau (Gloywi)
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Everyday questions. CWESTIYNAU POB DYDD
Complete the sentence
Greetings Syml Cyfarchion
Matching pairs
Llaeth a Ffrwyth 2 Snac Time 2
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1 i 5 afal
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Random vocab 0.1 Gerifa ar hap
Matching pairs
Months of the year MISOEDD Y FLWYDDYN
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Numbers RHIFAU
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Hair LLIW GWALLT - paru
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Cinio Nadolig
Labelled diagram
Random Vocab 0.12 Geirfa Hap
Matching pairs
MONEY Arian 2
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Lliw ac anifail syml
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random vocab 0.14 Geirfa hap
Matching pairs
Shapes 3 SIAPIAU
Balloon pop
Random Vocab 0.16 Geirfa Hap
Matching pairs
MONEY Arian 4
Flash cards
Shapes 2 SIAPIAU
Labeli corff ci. LABEL THE DOG
Labelled diagram
Random Vocab 0.17 Geirfa Hap
Matching pairs
Making sentences CREU BRAWDDEGAU
Complete the sentence
Verb Nouns 1 BERFENWAU 1
Match up
Shapes 2 SIAPIAU
Matching pairs
Y teulu
Labelled diagram
Sut wyt ti? How are you?
Matching pairs
Addoliad y Bugeilaid gan Gerard van Honthorst
Labelled diagram
School Classroom Yr ystafell ddosbarth
Balloon pop
Shapes 1 SIAPIAU
Match up
Amser llaeth a ffrwyth SNACK TIME
Match up
Random vocab 0.13 Gerifa hap
Matching pairs
SNAC TIME Amser llaeth, brawddegau
Revision 1 Adolygu 1
The Body Y CORFF Beth yw beth?
Spin the wheel
1.Days of the Week DYDDIAU'R WYTHNOS
Match up
Misoedd y flwyddyn -paru
Balloon pop