English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Speaking Entry 2
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'esol speaking entry 2'
Greetings and responses in English
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Short or long e sound
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Furniture and Rooms
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There is/there are
Complete the sentence
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Food likes and dislikes.
Question Words
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My Family
Spin the wheel
Long or short a sound
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Pros Cons Social Media
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Talk about leisure activities
Spin the wheel
Can you talk for one minute?
Spin the wheel
Daily Routine
parts of speech
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Question Words
Complete the sentence
Numbers memory game 1-10
Matching pairs
Modes of transport
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Map of The United Kingdom
Labelled diagram
Prepostions of place
a or an
True or false
English alphabet
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a, an, or some?
Open the box
Months of the year.
Word magnets
Jobs quiz cards
What did you do last weekend?
I can talk about illness: What's the matter? ESOL Entry 1
Spin the wheel
Daily routines open the box no words
Open the box
Daily Routines Quiz
Daily routine
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Health problems quiz
Do you like?
Spin the wheel
Hobbies and free time
Spin the wheel
Days of the week
Parts of the body
sh and ch sounds
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What can you do?
Spin the wheel
Capital letters sort
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Order of days of the week
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Friendship Speaking & Listening
Spin the wheel
Parts of the body
Labelled diagram
Entry 2- adjective- vocabulary
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Days of the week
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My neighbourhood adjectives
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What's the matter?
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Problems in the home
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Rooms in a house
Labelled diagram
Job advert vocabulary
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Getting to know you
Speaking cards
Social Media Logos
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Health problems
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