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631 results for 'japanese'

Days of the week in Kanji
Days of the week in Kanji Match up
12 Basic Verbs☀️どうし Marugoto A1
12 Basic Verbs☀️どうし Marugoto A1 Speaking cards
Places in romaji
Places in romaji Match up
Japanese Transport
Japanese Transport Match up
なんようび? Group sort
Frequency time
Frequency time Match up
かんきょうもんだい Sentence building
かんきょうもんだい Sentence building Match up
たべもの 20
たべもの 20 Speaking cards
6Basic Verbs☀️どうし
6Basic Verbs☀️どうし Speaking cards
Choose the correct particles
Choose the correct particles Airplane
いくらですか? Speaking cards
Ko Ko Months in Japanese
Ko Ko Months in Japanese Find the match
Japanese Colours
Japanese Colours Match up
12 Basic Verbs  Marugoto A1
12 Basic Verbs Marugoto A1 Match up
Greetings and useful expressions
Greetings and useful expressions Speaking cards
Kanji by Component 1 EN
Kanji by Component 1 EN Group sort
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, this week..
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, this week.. Matching pairs
Adjectives Speaking cards
Japanese to English Phrases
Japanese to English Phrases Matching pairs
SA-SHI-SU-SE-SO Match up
GCSE Japanese Kanji combine words Set A
GCSE Japanese Kanji combine words Set A Match up
Tabemono Quiz
コンビニ フレーズ
コンビニ フレーズ Find the match
これ・この Quiz
ことができます Find the match
12 Family members Hiragana-Kanji
12 Family members Hiragana-Kanji Matching pairs
できますか? Dekimasuka? Let's ask "Can you do it?"
できますか? Dekimasuka? Let's ask "Can you do it?" Open the box
「が」ですか?「を」ですか? Quiz
10 Words for Transport (with clue)
10 Words for Transport (with clue) Anagram
X の Y です。     X no Y desu
X の Y です。 X no Y desu Speaking cards
ハンバーガーください Match up
どんなあじですか? What kind of taste?
どんなあじですか? What kind of taste? Group sort
Self-introduction Anagram
Time-word Kanji 週月年今先来毎
Time-word Kanji 週月年今先来毎 Match up
Particles: I eat dinner at home
Particles: I eat dinner at home Complete the sentence
Katakana Practice: Best Global Brands 2023 Top 10
Katakana Practice: Best Global Brands 2023 Top 10 Anagram
Say it was/wasn't [adjective]
Say it was/wasn't [adjective] Speaking cards
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Match Up
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Match Up Match up
6 Basic verbs
6 Basic verbs Match up
なんにち ですか? (1日から10日まで)
なんにち ですか? (1日から10日まで) Labelled diagram
Adjective - Past tense wa nandesuka?
Adjective - Past tense wa nandesuka? Speaking cards
 私の町 12 things Kanji -EN
私の町 12 things Kanji -EN Find the match
ぶんかたいけん Sentence
ぶんかたいけん Sentence Match up
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