
Key Stage 1 English Sight words

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Sight Words
Sight Words Spin the wheel
cvc words
cvc words Find the match
Sight words - open the box and read the word.
Sight words - open the box and read the word. Open the box
oa words Match up
oa words Match up Match up
Fry's Common Words (First 100, 3rd 25) - Complete the Sentence
Fry's Common Words (First 100, 3rd 25) - Complete the Sentence Complete the sentence
phase 2 tricky words pairs
phase 2 tricky words pairs Matching pairs
Phase 1 rhyming words
Phase 1 rhyming words Group sort
oa words
oa words Open the box
CVCC Words
CVCC Words Spin the wheel
Similar Words
Similar Words Match up
SATPIN words
SATPIN words Spin the wheel
Rhyming words
Rhyming words Match up
ch words
ch words Find the match
'kn' and 'wr' words
'kn' and 'wr' words Open the box
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words Open the box
ay and ai words
ay and ai words Whack-a-mole
th sounds in words
th sounds in words Whack-a-mole
High frequency words (first 40)
High frequency words (first 40) Open the box
ai matching words to pictures
ai matching words to pictures Match up
Match the emotion to pictures
Match the emotion to pictures Find the match
2nd, 3rd & mixed conditionals
2nd, 3rd & mixed conditionals Spin the wheel
Autumn Memory Game
Autumn Memory Game Watch and memorize
SPaG quiz 1
SPaG quiz 1 Quiz
Group sort1 prefixes
Group sort1 prefixes Group sort
Question or exclamation
Question or exclamation Group sort
phonics sh and ch
phonics sh and ch Group sort
Shapes Group sort
a-e split digraph words
a-e split digraph words Match up
Adverbs Spin the wheel
Alternative pronunciation of 'o'
Alternative pronunciation of 'o' Group sort
Simple connectives
Simple connectives Complete the sentence
Random wheel - Phonics 1
Random wheel - Phonics 1 Spin the wheel
Proper and Common Nouns
Proper and Common Nouns Group sort
Gruffalo Quiz
Gruffalo Quiz Quiz
Consonant blends - construct the words
Consonant blends - construct the words Word magnets
ow phonics
ow phonics Find the match
ea Phonemes
ea Phonemes Find the match
Suffixes -ful, -less
Suffixes -ful, -less Match up
ai ay flip tiles phonics
ai ay flip tiles phonics Find the match
suffix matching
suffix matching Match up
sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Match up
plurals Spin the wheel
Phonics Phase 2
Phonics Phase 2 Match up
Months of the Year
Months of the Year Whack-a-mole
Sentence Starters
Sentence Starters Spin the wheel
past tense suffix rules
past tense suffix rules Group sort
Plurals Find the match
Nouns Group sort
Colours Labelled diagram
missing conjunction
missing conjunction Complete the sentence
Adjectives Spin the wheel
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