
Key Stage 1 English Stories

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10,000+ results for 'ks1 english stories'

The Enormous Turnip Quiz
The Enormous Turnip Quiz Quiz
Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales Balloon pop
Make a story (more advanced connectives!)
Make a story (more advanced connectives!) Word magnets
The very hungry caterpillar Quiz
The very hungry caterpillar Quiz Quiz
Make a story! (simple)
Make a story! (simple) Word magnets
Hansel and Gretel comprehension quiz
Hansel and Gretel comprehension quiz Quiz
Story settings and adjectives
Story settings and adjectives Gameshow quiz
The Enormous Turnip Labelling
The Enormous Turnip Labelling Labelled diagram
Nouns and Adjective match Jack and the Beanstalk
Nouns and Adjective match Jack and the Beanstalk Match up
Little Acorns - Ordering Seasons
Little Acorns - Ordering Seasons Match up
Three Billy Goats Gruff - cloze exercise
Three Billy Goats Gruff - cloze exercise Complete the sentence
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - characters
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - characters Labelled diagram
phonics sh and ch
phonics sh and ch Group sort
Shapes Group sort
ea Phonemes
ea Phonemes Find the match
ow phonics
ow phonics Find the match
Suffixes -ful, -less
Suffixes -ful, -less Match up
2nd, 3rd & mixed conditionals
2nd, 3rd & mixed conditionals Spin the wheel
Autumn Memory Game
Autumn Memory Game Watch and memorize
Match the emotion to pictures
Match the emotion to pictures Find the match
Phase 3 (letters and sounds) random wheel
Phase 3 (letters and sounds) random wheel Spin the wheel
cvc words
cvc words Find the match
Group sort1 prefixes
Group sort1 prefixes Group sort
SPaG quiz 1
SPaG quiz 1 Quiz
phase 2 tricky words pairs
phase 2 tricky words pairs Matching pairs
Sight Words
Sight Words Spin the wheel
Question or exclamation
Question or exclamation Group sort
Seasons Group sort
Word class sort game
Word class sort game Group sort
suffix matching
suffix matching Match up
sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Match up
Months of the Year
Months of the Year Whack-a-mole
ai ay flip tiles phonics
ai ay flip tiles phonics Find the match
plurals Spin the wheel
Phonics Phase 2
Phonics Phase 2 Match up
Phase 1 rhyming words
Phase 1 rhyming words Group sort
Colours Labelled diagram
Nouns Group sort
past tense suffix rules
past tense suffix rules Group sort
Plurals Find the match
Sentence Starters
Sentence Starters Spin the wheel
Synonyms game
Synonyms game Match up
Gruffalo Pairs
Gruffalo Pairs Matching pairs
past tense verbs
past tense verbs Quiz
oa words Match up
oa words Match up Match up
SpaG quiz KS1
SpaG quiz KS1 Quiz
Adjectives Spin the wheel
missing conjunction
missing conjunction Complete the sentence
Phonics Match up
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