
Key Stage 1 Esl

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10,000+ results for 'ks1 esl'

emotions basic
emotions basic Find the match
Soft C Hard C
Soft C Hard C True or false
Food Groups KS1
Food Groups KS1 Group sort
Abridge Academy 2:1:2 sentences with "to be" in present simple
Abridge Academy 2:1:2 sentences with "to be" in present simple Unjumble
Question words
Question words Match up
Spotlight 6 Module 9a
Spotlight 6 Module 9a Match up
Die Familie von Peppa
Die Familie von Peppa Labelled diagram
CVC words
CVC words Unjumble
Δωμάτια στο σπίτι
Δωμάτια στο σπίτι Labelled diagram
Phase 5 Tricky Words
Phase 5 Tricky Words Speaking cards
Christmas word search
Christmas word search Wordsearch
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words Spin the wheel
Memory Game
Memory Game Watch and memorize
Ropa True or false
emotion pairs elsa minions
emotion pairs elsa minions Matching pairs
House elem
House elem Labelled diagram
World festivals and food
World festivals and food Quiz
French Colours
French Colours Spin the wheel
UR, IR, EAR, ER Group sort
 wh questions
wh questions Quiz
Internet safety quiz ks1
Internet safety quiz ks1 Quiz
Alphabet Flip tiles
Verb to be questions
Verb to be questions Quiz
animals in the forest
animals in the forest Matching pairs
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation Group sort
Beginner questions (sharing information about self)
Beginner questions (sharing information about self) Spin the wheel
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a Complete the sentence
in /into /out /out of
in /into /out /out of Complete the sentence
Numbers 1-10 English
Numbers 1-10 English Labelled diagram
Label a Formal Letter
Label a Formal Letter Labelled diagram
Clothes Labelled diagram
ow phonics
ow phonics Find the match
ea Phonemes
ea Phonemes Find the match
Computer parts and Functions
Computer parts and Functions Match up
Suffixes -ful, -less
Suffixes -ful, -less Match up
satpin Word magnets
Adverbs Spin the wheel
Inventions Quiz
Alternative pronunciation of 'o'
Alternative pronunciation of 'o' Group sort
Proper and Common Nouns
Proper and Common Nouns Group sort
Simple connectives
Simple connectives Complete the sentence
Gruffalo Quiz
Gruffalo Quiz Quiz
Random wheel - Phonics 1
Random wheel - Phonics 1 Spin the wheel
Shapes Group sort
phonics sh and ch
phonics sh and ch Group sort
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