Key Stage 2 French
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10,000+ results for 'ks2 french'
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La Famille de Phineas et Ferb
Labelled diagram
les tâches ménagères
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Lotto! 1-20
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Les sports(Images © La Jolie Ronde)
Group sort
Quel âge as-tu?
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Quelle heure est-il ?
Où habites-tu?
Matching pairs
Quel temps fait-il?
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etre and avoir
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Les animaux
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La Famille
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S1 Les sports avec Jouer
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les chiffres-20-match up
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Numbers 1 - 12
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Comment ça va?
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ma famille
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Les sports
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Group sort
Quelle heure est-il?
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Les légumes
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Ma famille
Balloon pop
Les mois
ER verbs quiz
les boissons-mixed articles
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School subjects
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la nourriture
Match up
la nourriture#
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Le Corps
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Les couleurs -matching pairs
Matching pairs
Fruit and Vegetables Early/First
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Salut Unit 13 Food
Watch and memorize
Unit 19 Clothes match up
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les métiers - jobs
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les meubles
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la famille
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Les mois
Rank order
Matching pairs french fruit
Matching pairs
Les opinions (les sports)
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Dans ma chambre
Labelled diagram
y6 revision#1
Complete the sentence
personality studio 2 rouge
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les matieres scolaires
Quelle heure est-il?
Open the box
Au marché
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Quel âge as-tu?
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francais - les numeros 2
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Chez le docteur - Year 5 GPPS
Matching pairs
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Quel age as-tu?
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French perfect tense
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