
Key Stage 2 Times tables

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'ks2 times tables'

Multiplication Showdown
Multiplication Showdown Spin the wheel
10x table - full sentence in random order
10x table - full sentence in random order Match up
4x table match - harder
4x table match - harder Match up
3 times tables quiz
3 times tables quiz Quiz
7 times table quiz
7 times table quiz Quiz
3 times table
3 times table Find the match
7 and 8 times tables
7 and 8 times tables Quiz
7 times table
7 times table Match up
2x table match - harder
2x table match - harder Match up
Christmas Quiz
Christmas Quiz Gameshow quiz
la famille de Peppa
la famille de Peppa Labelled diagram
WOULD YOU RATHER? Open the box
German colours
German colours Match up
Perimeter Quiz
Square Numbers!
Square Numbers! Whack-a-mole
Getting to know you
Getting to know you Spin the wheel
Times Tables Quiz
Times Tables Quiz Quiz
Flip tiles (9 times table)
Flip tiles (9 times table) Find the match
2 x Times Table
2 x Times Table Quiz
Times tables spinner
Times tables spinner Spin the wheel
Multiples of 7
Multiples of 7 Whack-a-mole
2-, 5- and 10-times tables
2-, 5- and 10-times tables Quiz
3x table match - harder
3x table match - harder Match up
El medio ambiente
El medio ambiente Match up
Prepositions Spin the wheel
YCT 1-4 我家有四口人 Characters
YCT 1-4 我家有四口人 Characters Whack-a-mole
Modal Verbs Spinner
Modal Verbs Spinner Spin the wheel
Physical description
Physical description Find the match
singular or plural possession
singular or plural possession Group sort
figurative language
figurative language Quiz
Pairs of Planets (Memory Game)
Pairs of Planets (Memory Game) Matching pairs
match up spag vocab
match up spag vocab Match up
Book genre match-up
Book genre match-up Match up
S1 Les sports avec Jouer
S1 Les sports avec Jouer Match up
Used to
Used to Spin the wheel
Light Quiz
Light Quiz Quiz
les chiffres-20-match up
les chiffres-20-match up Match up
Comment ça va?
Comment ça va? Match up
prefixes Spin the wheel
Numbers 1 - 12
Numbers 1 - 12 Match up
Group sort - Present Perfect
Group sort - Present Perfect Group sort
Moon phases
Moon phases Match up
Adverbs Group sort
pronouns Complete the sentence
materials Group sort
etre and avoir
etre and avoir Match up
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