
Key Stage 3 Avoir

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'ks3 avoir'

French Avoir
French Avoir Whack-a-mole
Avoir Spin the wheel
Avoir Balloon pop
avoir Find the match
by Anonymous
Avoir & etre
Avoir & etre Find the match
Match up AVOIR
Match up AVOIR Match up
Avoir Match up
Avoir Complete the sentence
Avoir Quiz
Distillation KS3
Distillation KS3 Labelled diagram
S3 lucky-dip family time character looks present tense
S3 lucky-dip family time character looks present tense Spin the wheel
Avoir - To have
Avoir - To have Match up
etre and avoir
etre and avoir Match up
avoir or être
avoir or être Group sort
 Avoir ou Etre?
Avoir ou Etre? Complete the sentence
Perfect tense with "avoir": regular verbs
Perfect tense with "avoir": regular verbs Complete the sentence
Negative numbers; true or False
Negative numbers; true or False True or false
Long or Short oo?
Long or Short oo? Group sort
Las vacaciones
Las vacaciones Match up
animal cell
animal cell Labelled diagram
Methods of cooking
Methods of cooking Match up
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions True or false
General Knowledge
General Knowledge Quiz
Excel Starter
Excel Starter Match up
KS3 CS -7.3 Computer Systems - Computer Parts
KS3 CS -7.3 Computer Systems - Computer Parts Labelled diagram
Why we cook food.
Why we cook food. Complete the sentence
Asignaturas Match up
directions Spin the wheel
Passe compose avec AVOIR
Passe compose avec AVOIR Complete the sentence
French Face Vocab
French Face Vocab Labelled diagram
Digestive system
Digestive system Find the match
En el restaurante
En el restaurante Find the match
Une Visite à Paris
Une Visite à Paris Complete the sentence
Parts of a computer
Parts of a computer Labelled diagram
les pays
les pays Match up
Le futur proche
Le futur proche Match up
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