Key Stage 3 French Numbers Large hundreds
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10,000+ results for 'ks3 french numbers large hundreds'
French Numbers 1-20
Spin the wheel
Remember the numbers
Watch and memorize
French numbers 20 -100
Match up
Spot the Prime -Prime numbers under 30.
French Numbers 1-20
Match up
Passé composé
Studio 5.1 verbs in different tenses
Group sort
Mental Maths
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Negatives + passé composé (holidays)
True or false
avoir or être
Group sort
DU / DE LA / DE L' / DES
Group sort
Dans la salle de classe
Match up
Petit-dejeuner (Dynamo 1 Module 4)
Complete the sentence
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
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Mon Ordi et Mon Portable
Matching pairs
Le corps
Labelled diagram
Ma famille
Labelled diagram
Avoir & etre
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Reflexive Verbs
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Les animaux
Dans ma ville, il y a...
Match up
Quel temps fait-il?
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Le visage
Labelled diagram
Les animaux
Match up
En Ville
Complete the sentence
Les endroits de la ville
Matching pairs
05 La Nourriture
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Les Loisirs
Match up
Countries - label Europe in French
Labelled diagram
Films match up
Match up
Le corps - Review
Image quiz
04 La Nourriture
Match up
En vacances
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Studio 2 Module 1 La Tele
Match up
Les nombres de 1 à 100
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Countries with flags in French
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Les Instruments de Musique
Labelled diagram
Present Tense -IR Verbs
Match up
S1 - Activité 7
Match up
Mon/ma/mes + family
Group sort
Passion Cinéma
Complete the sentence
A la tele
Les animaux
Match up
jouer or faire?
Group sort
shopping au marché
Match up
French Avoir
KS3 French Ma routine
Match up
S1 - Activité 8
Match up
Les fêtes en France
Group sort
Weather revision
Ma famille
La nourriture
Group sort