Key Stage 3 Mathematics Numbers & fractions
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'ks3 maths numbers fractions'
Spot the Prime -Prime numbers under 30.
Mental Maths
Find the match
Remember the numbers
Watch and memorize
Match up percentage change
Match up
Simplifying ratio
Match up
Mode, Median, Range, Mean
Complete the sentence
fractions quiz
Square Numbers
True or false
Percentages of Amounts gameshow quiz
Gameshow quiz
Chinese numbers Balloon Pop
Balloon pop
Whack a Prime Number
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Find the match
rounding to decimal places matchup
Find the match
Mental Maths
Match up
Simplifying Fractions Spinner
Spin the wheel
Number word match up- 0-10
Match up
1 to 10 Wheel
Spin the wheel
Ordinal Numbers 1st-5th
Labelled diagram
Numbers to 20
Spin the wheel
Counting wheel 1-10
Spin the wheel
Multiples of 7
Fractions in words
Match up
Ordinal Numbers Quiz
Solar System
Labelled diagram
Spell the number words 0-10
Percentages, Decimals and Fractions
Match up
Ordinal Numbers 1st-10th
Labelled diagram
Alien Ordinal Numbers
Labelled diagram
numbers in words
Spin the wheel
1 more
Match up
Number words zero to ten
Spin the wheel
0-10 Numeral/Numicon match
Match up
Math Quiz
1-5 open the box
Open the box
1-5 number wheel
Spin the wheel
Place Value Balloon Pop
Balloon pop
1-10 wheel
Spin the wheel
Teen or ty?
Group sort
Money Quiz
Letter Words 0-10
Square Numbers
Match up
Dinosaur Ordinal Numbers
Labelled diagram
Number word match up 0 to 20
Match up
tens and ones- tens frame
Group sort
Equivalent Fractions
True or false
Match the Equivalent Fractions
Find the match