Mathematics Grades k 3 1 to 20
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'maths grades k 3 1 to 20'
Match the number to number names 1 to 20.
Matching pairs
Measuring Capacity
Gameshow quiz
How Many?
Living and Non-Living Things
Group sort
Parts of the body
Labelled diagram
Match the correct time.
Matching pairs
Counting by 2's
Label the plant
Labelled diagram
Solar System
Counting 1 - 20
Adding to 20
Addition (up to 20)
Match up
Number Bonds to 20
Match up
Numbers to 20
Spin the wheel
Take away fun picnic!
Match up
Getting to know you- ESOL questions
Spin the wheel
number names and numerals to 20
Find the match
French numbers 1 to 20
Find the match
Random wheel1 numbers 1 - 20
Spin the wheel
Number word match up 0 to 20
Match up
Days of the week
Times table
Maze chase
Tally it up!!!
Gameshow quiz
Numbers 1-20
Spin the wheel
matching numbers and words to 20
Find the match
Subtraction within 20
Find the match
Subtraction within 20
Addition within 20
True or false
3D Shapes - Quiz
Addition within 20
Maze Number word match up 0 to 20
Maze chase
Measurement- Temperature
Group sort
1 to 10 Wheel
Spin the wheel
1-20 Wheel.
Spin the wheel
Before and After to 30
Gameshow quiz
1-20 random picker
Spin the wheel
Phrasal Verbs
Doubles to 20
Find the match
Even and Odd
1-20 Bingo Wheel
Spin the wheel
Counting forwards to 20
Balloon pop
Count forwards to 20
number word match 1-20
Match up
Part-part-whole to 10
Find the match
Addition 1 - 10
Find the match