Mathematics Measurement
Examples from our community
8,617 results for 'maths measurement'
Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals
Labelled diagram
length and height
Units of measurements (with decimals)
True or false
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Months of the year
mm cm m conversions
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Appropriate units of measurement.
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TLC: Can I recognise british coins?
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Whack the correct measurements
Units of measurement
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Telling the time with clock faces
Balloon pop
Find the time against the clock - 12 and 24 hour time
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Simple measurement with ruler
Labelled diagram
Chesswood Converting mm to cm
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12 hour 24 hour times
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Telling the time
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convert cm and mm
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Perimeter Y3
Optical illusions
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours)
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Time Match Up
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Ordering Kilograms and Grams
Rank order
Measuring vocabulary
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Spin the wheel
Match the correct time.
Matching pairs
Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
Speaking cards
2d and 3d shapes crossword
Add Fractions G3
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1-20 Wheel.
Spin the wheel
2D shapes
Spin the wheel
Symmetry Quiz
Gameshow quiz
Counting in 5s- Which numbers will you say?
Sorting 2D and 3D shapes
Group sort
Addition 1 - 10
Find the match
Time Word problems
square root
sorting game
Group sort
5 times table
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2D Shapes Edges
True or false
Random number wheel 1-10
Spin the wheel
Mass convert
Gameshow quiz
Light and Heavy
Spin the wheel
Time (Analog and Digital)
Find the match
2D or 3D shape
True or false
Multiplying Decimals