Reception Mathematics Subitising
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'reception maths subitising'
Matching subitising cards
Matching pairs
Subitising wheel to 5
Spin the wheel
Easter subitising
Speaking cards
Subitising gingerbread men (easier)
Speaking cards
3 or not 3?
Group sort
3 not 3 goldilocks
Speaking cards
Up to 6 Dice, dots, fingers, 5 frames, Numicon (subitising)
Speaking cards
Tally Score Match Up
Match up
subitising sunflower seeds
Speaking cards
What can you see? 3 or not 3?
True or false
Dots, fingers, 5 frames and Numicon (subitising 1-5)
Speaking cards
Spring Subitising. What do you See?
Speaking cards
What Number?
Spin the wheel
Единственное - множественное число.
Group sort
1 More and 1 Less
Match up
match teen numbers with numicon
Find the match
Numicon 1-10 Cyfatebu
Matching pairs
Addition to 10 Balloon Pop
Balloon pop
Half, or not half?
Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
Speaking cards
apples, conkers and dots subitising to 3
Speaking cards
Under the sea
Speaking cards
Subitising jelly beans
Speaking cards
Subitising dots, 5 frames
Speaking cards
subitising 1-3
Spin the wheel
Up to 3 subitising game (instant recall of amounts)
Speaking cards
Numicon Spinner
Spin the wheel
1-20 Bingo Wheel
Spin the wheel
Up to 3 Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
Speaking cards
Numicon 1-10
Match up
KB 2 U2/3
Speaking cards
subitise to 10
Spin the wheel
Pink Men - can you subitise?
Spin the wheel
More or Less?
Numicon Match Up
Find the match
Maths doubles aeroplane game
Subistising dots, sunflowers and seeds
Speaking cards
Spin and Subitize!
Spin the wheel
1-10 Number Wheel
Spin the wheel
Matching numerals to representations
Matching pairs
Even and Odd
Left and Right
Group sort
2D shapes
Spin the wheel
1-20 Wheel.
Spin the wheel
Add Fractions G3
Find the match
What's The Time?
Basic Decimals
Counting 1 - 20
Maths Vocabulary Functional Skills L1
Matching pairs
Ultimate Fraction Quiz
Maze chase
Counting in 5s- Which numbers will you say?
Symmetry Quiz
Gameshow quiz
Sorting 2D and 3D shapes
Group sort