
Speaking Listening

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10,000+ results for 'speaking listening'

Friendship Speaking & Listening
Friendship Speaking & Listening Spin the wheel
Introduction to Speaking and Listening
Introduction to Speaking and Listening Quiz
Present Perfect questions- Entry 3- Task 2 S&L exam
Present Perfect questions- Entry 3- Task 2 S&L exam Unjumble
ILP: L2 Functional English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions
ILP: L2 Functional English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions Group sort
Present simple questions- make positive and negative sentences
Present simple questions- make positive and negative sentences Spin the wheel
Entry 1 group discussion language
Entry 1 group discussion language Group sort
Entry 1- S&L revision
Entry 1- S&L revision Spin the wheel
Speaking and listening E1
Speaking and listening E1 Spin the wheel
Listening activity: People Description
Listening activity: People Description Quiz
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute)
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) Speaking cards
health speaking cards
health speaking cards Speaking cards
Picture Questions A2
Picture Questions A2 Open the box
What if...?
What if...? Open the box
Present Simple: speaking
Present Simple: speaking Speaking cards
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics Speaking cards
food discussion
food discussion Speaking cards
Entry 2- Role play- Questions
Entry 2- Role play- Questions Unjumble
Guess Who?
Guess Who? Quiz
Who says this? GG3 U2.4
Who says this? GG3 U2.4 Group sort
Matching sounds to words SW 5th July 21
Matching sounds to words SW 5th July 21 Find the match
L2 Sp & L: Debate - Influence by celebrities - good v bad
L2 Sp & L: Debate - Influence by celebrities - good v bad Spin the wheel
ILP: L1 FS English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions
ILP: L1 FS English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions Group sort
Travel Vocab
Travel Vocab Match up
News speaking cards
News speaking cards Speaking cards
Used to speaking cards
Used to speaking cards Speaking cards
Jobs quiz cards
Jobs quiz cards Quiz
-ed or -ing
-ed or -ing Quiz
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.6 Fill in the gaps
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.6 Fill in the gaps Complete the sentence
Health problems quiz
Health problems quiz Quiz
Daily routines open the box no words
Daily routines open the box no words Open the box
Daily Routines Quiz
Daily Routines Quiz Quiz
Speaking: nature & environment
Speaking: nature & environment Spin the wheel
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5) Flash cards
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Speaking cards
GCSE SPEAKING Spin the wheel
GCSE SPEAKING Spin the wheel
GCSE SPEAKING Spin the wheel
Health problems words
Health problems words Anagram
Own it! 3 Unit 5.1 Planet Earth
Own it! 3 Unit 5.1 Planet Earth Match up
B2 Speaking Exam Part 2 & 3
B2 Speaking Exam Part 2 & 3 Group sort
Health problems
Health problems Find the match
Talk about leisure activities
Talk about leisure activities Spin the wheel
Pros Cons Social Media
Pros Cons Social Media Group sort
How have you been - Present Perfect tense speaking practice
How have you been - Present Perfect tense speaking practice Speaking cards
Future speaking (going to or present continuous)
Future speaking (going to or present continuous) Speaking cards
Spotlight 3 Module 7
Spotlight 3 Module 7 Speaking cards
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Names (1)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Names (1) Flash cards
Crazy questions
Crazy questions Speaking cards
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