
Tesol pronunciation

Examples from our community

588 results for 'tesol pronunciation'

Voiced or Voiceless?
Voiced or Voiceless? Group sort
Question openings
Question openings Open the box
words with /ʌ/ or /ɒ/ or /ɔː/ sounds
words with /ʌ/ or /ɒ/ or /ɔː/ sounds Spin the wheel
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation Group sort
 Family Members_Quiz
Family Members_Quiz Open the box
Drilling groups
Drilling groups Flip tiles
Life Events Part 1: Past Simple Verbs
Life Events Part 1: Past Simple Verbs Complete the sentence
There is/are (funny, pronunciation)
There is/are (funny, pronunciation) Labelled diagram
People in Healthcare: Matching Task
People in Healthcare: Matching Task Quiz
Asking Questions: Transport
Asking Questions: Transport Unjumble
Pronunciation Group sort
The Phonemic chart: Monophthongs (single sound vowels)
The Phonemic chart: Monophthongs (single sound vowels) Speaking cards
Alternative pronunciation of 'o'
Alternative pronunciation of 'o' Group sort
Jubilee Quiz
Jubilee Quiz Quiz
Irregular past tense verbs
Irregular past tense verbs Match up
Alternative pronunciation ea
Alternative pronunciation ea Group sort
Pronunciation of -ed endings
Pronunciation of -ed endings Group sort
Alternative pronunciation of 'u'
Alternative pronunciation of 'u' Group sort
Everyday English. Good morning! Spelling practice 1
Everyday English. Good morning! Spelling practice 1 Anagram
Tag Questions-Pronunciation in fast speech
Tag Questions-Pronunciation in fast speech Find the match
ed pronunciation
ed pronunciation Group sort
Fruit (word stress)
Fruit (word stress) Group sort
Harry Potter castle (IPA)
Harry Potter castle (IPA) Labelled diagram
The Phonemic chart: Monophthongs (single sound vowels)
The Phonemic chart: Monophthongs (single sound vowels) Find the match
Navigate Upper-Int 1.2 Pronunciation
Navigate Upper-Int 1.2 Pronunciation Group sort
Pronunciation , illness and treatment vocabulary
Pronunciation , illness and treatment vocabulary Group sort
The Phonemic chart: Monophthongs (single sound vowels)
The Phonemic chart: Monophthongs (single sound vowels) Quiz
words with the short /ɪ/  sound
words with the short /ɪ/ sound Match up
How to hinder learning
How to hinder learning Open the box
Future Tenses
Future Tenses Group sort
At the station
At the station Unjumble
Language analysis questions
Language analysis questions Spin the wheel
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