
University and higher education Business Studies

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10,000+ results for 'university business'

Business Vocab Builder 54.2 Describing trends
Business Vocab Builder 54.2 Describing trends Match up
Business Vocab Builder 54.1 Describing trends
Business Vocab Builder 54.1 Describing trends Match up
Rise and Fall
Rise and Fall Group sort
Presentations: Building Business Vocab 51.1
Presentations: Building Business Vocab 51.1 Match up
Lymph Nodes L3 A&P p2
Lymph Nodes L3 A&P p2 Labelled diagram
Getting to know you
Getting to know you Spin the wheel
Per parlare di te.
Per parlare di te. Speaking cards
Relative Clauses Flip!
Relative Clauses Flip! Flip tiles
Management Accounting Definition
Management Accounting Definition True or false
What to wear......on a Construction Site
What to wear......on a Construction Site Whack-a-mole
A1 - Family members
A1 - Family members Open the box
First Conditional
First Conditional Quiz
Heart Labelled diagram
Past Simple
Past Simple True or false
hard phrasal verbs match up
hard phrasal verbs match up Match up
Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters Match up
Present Perfect or past simple?
Present Perfect or past simple? Spin the wheel
Computer Vocab
Computer Vocab Match up
Comparatives Survey
Comparatives Survey Spin the wheel
Opinions Group sort
Project Management
Project Management Quiz
Features of a Text
Features of a Text Labelled diagram
Transport B1+
Transport B1+ Match up
The Skin
The Skin Labelled diagram
Money expressions (ICTE L5)
Money expressions (ICTE L5) Group sort
Staan, liggen, zitten, hangen
Staan, liggen, zitten, hangen Open the box
Positive/Negative Body Language
Positive/Negative Body Language Group sort
Safety Signs
Safety Signs Find the match
Torso L3 Beauty A&P P1
Torso L3 Beauty A&P P1 Labelled diagram
Muscles of the face A&P P2 L3
Muscles of the face A&P P2 L3 Labelled diagram
Writing Task 2 - speed thinking
Writing Task 2 - speed thinking Spin the wheel
Guess the country.
Guess the country. Quiz
Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns Complete the sentence
AC1-01 Passive voice
AC1-01 Passive voice Quiz
Problem-Solving Group sort
Colour the numbers.
Colour the numbers. Speaking cards
Reasons for observing children
Reasons for observing children Quiz
Simple present wh questions speaking activity
Simple present wh questions speaking activity Spin the wheel
Describing Trends
Describing Trends Group sort
Introductions Spin the wheel
Connectives Group sort
Gerund or infinitive?
Gerund or infinitive? Complete the sentence
Noun Combinations Unit 4
Noun Combinations Unit 4 Quiz
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics)
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics) Spin the wheel
What is Accounting?
What is Accounting? Complete the sentence
English for Finance: Meetings 2
English for Finance: Meetings 2 Quiz
Catering Terms
Catering Terms Maze chase
Famous entrepreneurs
Famous entrepreneurs Labelled diagram
Health & Safety legislation
Health & Safety legislation Match up
Мебель 3.1
Мебель 3.1 Labelled diagram
Stakeholders Maze chase
Cause and Effect Warmer
Cause and Effect Warmer Match up
快乐汉语 说一说
快乐汉语 说一说 Open the box
Relative clauses review
Relative clauses review Gameshow quiz
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