Year 10 Biology
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B3. Food Tests Required Practical
Labelled diagram
Labelled diagram
animal cell
Labelled diagram
Process of aerobic respiration
Complete the sentence
DNA (Higher)
Labelled diagram
The Heart
Find the match
Genetics Jargon
Match up
The Lungs
Labelled diagram
Pathogens - Infection and Response
Find the match
Heart True or False
True or false
Label a mitotic cell
Labelled diagram
Cell structure functions (national 5)
Find the match
Cell division
Match up
Group sort
Enzyme action (N5) - random cards
Speaking cards
Aerobic Respiration (N5)
Match up
Cellular Respiration (N5)
Match up
Red Blood cells
Win or lose quiz
Label a plant and animal cell
Labelled diagram
N5 Biotic factors
Abiotic factor apparatus
Gameshow quiz
DNA and Protein Synthesis Quiz
Genetic Engineering missing word (N5 level)
Complete the sentence
Photosynthesis rate
Group sort
plant cell
Labelled diagram
Ecosystem terms S2 (maze chase)
Maze chase
Brain parts
Labelled diagram
Blood glucose regulation
Complete the sentence
Genetic vocabulary match up
Match up
Cellular Respiration (N5)
Speaking cards
Mitosis stages (N5)
Match up
Cell transport (N5) flash cards
Speaking cards
Aerobic Respiration (N4)
Match up
Enzyme action (N5) - match terms
Match up
Xylem and Phloem
Group sort
Genetic engineering label the diagram
Labelled diagram
Brain parts and function
Match up
Homozygous or heterozygous
Group sort
neurons (Label diagram)
Labelled diagram
Now or not now?
True or false
Starter - Las direcciones
Find the match
Passe compose avec ETRE
Complete the sentence
Le métiers - catégories de travail
Group sort
El Imperfecto
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
Group sort
Photosynthesis Required Practical
Labelled diagram
Digestive system
Labelled diagram
Proterties of Xylem & Phloem Sort
Group sort
Adverbs of frequency
Open the box
Now or regularly
True or false
Scary sentences
What are they doing?
Gameshow quiz