
Взрослые English / ESL Past Simple

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Open the card and answer the questions
Open the card and answer the questions Open the box
Present Perfect vs Past Simple PRE-INT EF
Present Perfect vs Past Simple PRE-INT EF Quiz
Outcomes Elementary Past questions
Outcomes Elementary Past questions Spin the wheel
2. Past Simple
2. Past Simple Complete the sentence
used to / would / past simple (speaking)
used to / would / past simple (speaking) Speaking cards
Past Simple regular/irregular verbs
Past Simple regular/irregular verbs Group sort
EF Elem ir.verbs 2nd forms_2nd part (L-W letters)
EF Elem ir.verbs 2nd forms_2nd part (L-W letters) Match up
Simple Tenses
Simple Tenses Quiz
Past Simple or Past Continous
Past Simple or Past Continous Complete the sentence
Past Simple and Past Continuous
Past Simple and Past Continuous Quiz
Past Simple
Past Simple Unjumble
Past simple
Past simple Complete the sentence
Past Simple - was/were, had.
Past Simple - was/were, had. Quiz
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Anagram
Regular verbs in Past Simple
Regular verbs in Past Simple Quiz
Present Perfect vs Past Simple by Ms Eugenia
Present Perfect vs Past Simple by Ms Eugenia Quiz
Past Simple questions - relationship
Past Simple questions - relationship Unjumble
past simple markers *3*
past simple markers *3* Flip tiles
past simple markers *3*
past simple markers *3* Match up
Past Simple verbs
Past Simple verbs Flash cards
Собери предложение
Собери предложение Unjumble
Past Simple - Name a past form of each verb
Past Simple - Name a past form of each verb Flash cards
Do you ... ?
Do you ... ? Speaking cards
Irreguar verbs ( V + V + Ven) Go getter 4
Irreguar verbs ( V + V + Ven) Go getter 4 Hangman
REVISION_TENSES_5_A Open the box
What do you remember? (Past Simple for adults)
What do you remember? (Past Simple for adults) Spin the wheel
EF beginner unit 11A Past Simple story
EF beginner unit 11A Past Simple story Match up
4F SB A bumpy ride - Solutions Pre-Intermediate
4F SB A bumpy ride - Solutions Pre-Intermediate Complete the sentence
Markers of Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple
Markers of Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple Group sort
Present Perfect or Past Simple
Present Perfect or Past Simple Quiz
Present Perfect or Past Simple
Present Perfect or Past Simple Quiz
Past Simple Wh-questions Elementary
Past Simple Wh-questions Elementary Spin the wheel
Let's check your intuition!
Let's check your intuition! Group sort
Wider World 3 Unit 2 the past simple / history
Wider World 3 Unit 2 the past simple / history Speaking cards
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking Spin the wheel
Past Tenses Quiz
Past Tenses Quiz Quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C)
Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C) Speaking cards
Do you remember....
Do you remember.... Speaking cards
PresentPerfect VS PastSimple
PresentPerfect VS PastSimple Quiz
Past Simple Questions
Past Simple Questions Unjumble
Describe your daily  routine - sound on
Describe your daily routine - sound on Speaking cards
Present simple (+, -, ?)
Present simple (+, -, ?) Maze chase
Present Simple sentences.
Present Simple sentences. Unjumble
Present Simple Special questions
Present Simple Special questions Flash cards
Present Simple -s
Present Simple -s Group sort
present simple (+, -, ?)
present simple (+, -, ?) Complete the sentence
 Presen Simple - he she it (-s)
Presen Simple - he she it (-s) Quiz
YL Present Simple (ending -s/-es)
YL Present Simple (ending -s/-es) Group sort
don't / doesn't
don't / doesn't Quiz
Present Simple ( word order) +
Present Simple ( word order) + Unjumble
Wh-questions - Choice
Wh-questions - Choice Complete the sentence
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple Speaking cards
Wh-questions - Present Simple
Wh-questions - Present Simple Flip tiles
Present Simple_questions
Present Simple_questions Flash cards
YL Present Simple (he/she/it)
YL Present Simple (he/she/it) Unjumble
Present Simple ( mistakes search )
Present Simple ( mistakes search ) True or false
Present simple "?"
Present simple "?" Quiz
2A - Money questions
2A - Money questions Speaking cards
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