Взрослые Present Continuous
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Open the box
EF beginner 9A verbs Travelling
Flip tiles
2. Present, Past, Future continuous
Complete the sentence
Eminem 2
Complete the sentence
Present Continuous _wh-questions
Flip tiles
Family Problems_Gateway B1_Unit 1
Complete the sentence
It takes me ... to have breakfast
Spin the wheel
What's happened?
Speaking cards
Make a sentence using Past simple and Continuous
Speaking cards
Bg Unit 1-3 to be / not to be
Group sort
present perfect vs past simple time phrases
Speaking cards
Present Perfect VS Past Simple
Speaking cards
Present Perfect + just / already / yet
Speaking cards
Superlatives+Present perfect
Speaking cards
Present Simple Passive Voice
Complete the sentence
Active into Passive (Present Simple)
Speaking cards
Present Continuous
Labelled diagram
Надя 1
Group sort
Present Continuous
Present Continuous
Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present Continuous
Find the Present Simple markers
Present Simple/Present Continuous Rules
Group sort
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Speaking cards
Present Perfect Speaking
Speaking cards
Have you ever ... Elem Questions
Speaking cards
Inside Out 1
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
present perfect simple or continuous
Speaking cards
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Speaking cards
Present Continuous
Beginner Unit 2-2 Present simple (+/?)
Complete the sentence
Have you ever...?
Speaking cards
What are you taking to the beach?
Labelled diagram
Present continuous + True/false
True or false
Present continuous (-ing verbs)
Group sort
Make sentenses.
Present Simple vs Present Continious
Complete the sentence
Do you ... ?
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C)
Speaking cards