
Взрослые Present Simple

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10,000+ results for 'взрослые present simple'

Present Perfect vs Past Simple PRE-INT EF
Present Perfect vs Past Simple PRE-INT EF Quiz
Do you ... ?
Do you ... ? Speaking cards
Bg Unit 1-3 to be / not to be
Bg Unit 1-3 to be / not to be Group sort
present perfect vs past simple time phrases
present perfect vs past simple time phrases Speaking cards
Present Perfect VS Past Simple
Present Perfect VS Past Simple Speaking cards
Make a sentence about you using Past Simple / Present Simple / Future Simple
Make a sentence about you using Past Simple / Present Simple / Future Simple Speaking cards
EF beginner 1&2 Revise and Check
EF beginner 1&2 Revise and Check Quiz
EF beginner 1B pronouns + be + countries
EF beginner 1B pronouns + be + countries Quiz
Active into Passive (Present Simple)
Active into Passive (Present Simple) Speaking cards
Present Simple Passive Voice
Present Simple Passive Voice Complete the sentence
Grammar Unjumble
YL Present Simple (ending -s/-es)
YL Present Simple (ending -s/-es) Group sort
don't / doesn't
don't / doesn't Quiz
Present Simple ( word order) +
Present Simple ( word order) + Unjumble
Describe your daily  routine - sound on
Describe your daily routine - sound on Speaking cards
Present simple (+, -, ?)
Present simple (+, -, ?) Maze chase
Present Simple sentences.
Present Simple sentences. Unjumble
Present Simple Special questions
Present Simple Special questions Flash cards
Present Simple -s
Present Simple -s Group sort
 Presen Simple - he she it (-s)
Presen Simple - he she it (-s) Quiz
Wh-questions - Choice
Wh-questions - Choice Complete the sentence
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple Speaking cards
present simple (+, -, ?)
present simple (+, -, ?) Complete the sentence
Present Simple ( mistakes search )
Present Simple ( mistakes search ) True or false
Present simple "?"
Present simple "?" Quiz
Wh-questions - Present Simple
Wh-questions - Present Simple Flip tiles
Present Simple_questions
Present Simple_questions Flash cards
YL Present Simple (he/she/it)
YL Present Simple (he/she/it) Unjumble
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2) Speaking cards
Beginner Unit 2-2 Present simple (+/?)
Beginner Unit 2-2 Present simple (+/?) Complete the sentence
Present Simple - make a sentence(affirmative/negative/interrogative)
Present Simple - make a sentence(affirmative/negative/interrogative) Unjumble
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Present Simple / Present Continuous Quiz
Action and state verbs (Int)
Action and state verbs (Int) Quiz
Simple Tenses
Simple Tenses Quiz
Make a sentence using Past simple and Continuous
Make a sentence using Past simple and Continuous Speaking cards
What's happened?
What's happened? Speaking cards
It takes me ... to have breakfast
It takes me ... to have breakfast Spin the wheel
3B Going to / Present continuous (Future)
3B Going to / Present continuous (Future) Quiz
Present Continuous Questions, Affirmative and Negative Part 2
Present Continuous Questions, Affirmative and Negative Part 2 Speaking cards
Present Continuous Questions, Affirmative and Negative Part 1
Present Continuous Questions, Affirmative and Negative Part 1 Speaking cards
Past memories (used to)
Past memories (used to) Open the box
Past Simple Speaking
Past Simple Speaking Speaking cards
Roadmap A2+ 2B Past Simple questions
Roadmap A2+ 2B Past Simple questions Speaking cards
Active into passive (Past Simple)
Active into passive (Past Simple) Speaking cards
Past Simple short story
Past Simple short story Open the box
Regular and irregular verbs (Past Simple)
Regular and irregular verbs (Past Simple) Match up
Present Perfect + just / already / yet
Present Perfect + just / already / yet Speaking cards
Superlatives+Present perfect
Superlatives+Present perfect Speaking cards
EF beginner 9A verbs Travelling
EF beginner 9A verbs Travelling Flip tiles
Family Problems_Gateway B1_Unit 1
Family Problems_Gateway B1_Unit 1 Complete the sentence
Daily routine
Daily routine Spin the wheel
YL Present Simple
YL Present Simple Unjumble
Present Perfect Speaking
Present Perfect Speaking Speaking cards
Have you ever ... Elem Questions
Have you ever ... Elem Questions Speaking cards
Do you remember....
Do you remember.... Speaking cards
Open the card and answer the questions
Open the card and answer the questions Open the box
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