
1 99 pet for schools

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Rooms in the house
Rooms in the house Match up
Furniture, things in the house
Furniture, things in the house Match up
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools)
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools) Speaking cards
Unit 12_Negative prefixes
Unit 12_Negative prefixes Group sort
PET - Speaking Part 2 (music)
PET - Speaking Part 2 (music) Flip tiles
PET Speaking part 1
PET Speaking part 1 Speaking cards
PET - Unit 8 Personality Adjectives
PET - Unit 8 Personality Adjectives Matching pairs
KET - Present Perfect for/since
KET - Present Perfect for/since Group sort
KET - Present Perfect for/since
KET - Present Perfect for/since Complete the sentence
Countable/Uncountable nouns [Oxf grammar for schools 1]]
Countable/Uncountable nouns [Oxf grammar for schools 1]] Group sort
KET - Present Perfect for/ since - speaking
KET - Present Perfect for/ since - speaking Flip tiles
KET Complete the sentence
Unit 1_Prepositions of time 2
Unit 1_Prepositions of time 2 Quiz
How long have you ...
How long have you ... Speaking cards
Complete First for Schools Unit 1 phrasal verbs.
Complete First for Schools Unit 1 phrasal verbs. Match up
Complete for schools FCE Unit 1 (make/do)
Complete for schools FCE Unit 1 (make/do) Group sort
KET - Unit 11 Speaking part 1 (SB p. 71)
KET - Unit 11 Speaking part 1 (SB p. 71) Speaking cards
Linkers for PET
Linkers for PET Open the box
for, since, from
for, since, from Win or lose quiz
These/Those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
These/Those [Oxford grammar for schools 1] Labelled diagram
This/these/that/those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
This/these/that/those [Oxford grammar for schools 1] Labelled diagram
Linking words (Oxford grammar for schools 5)
Linking words (Oxford grammar for schools 5) Gameshow quiz
FCE Speaking/Food
FCE Speaking/Food Speaking cards
Предлоги Labelled diagram
Questions: School
Questions: School Speaking cards
PET Describing people negative prefixes
PET Describing people negative prefixes Group sort
PET Unit 8 Order of Adjectives
PET Unit 8 Order of Adjectives True or false
PET - Unit 8 Character adj. (WB extra vocab)
PET - Unit 8 Character adj. (WB extra vocab) Match up
PET Clothes and accessories (vocabulary)
PET Clothes and accessories (vocabulary) Anagram
PET - Clothes and accessories (Booster p. 48)
PET - Clothes and accessories (Booster p. 48) Match up
PET Clothes (verbs)
PET Clothes (verbs) Complete the sentence
PET - Unit 8 Phrasal verbs
PET - Unit 8 Phrasal verbs Complete the sentence
Feelings. PET
Feelings. PET Match up
Talk for a minute
Talk for a minute Spin the wheel
PET collocations
PET collocations Group sort
PET speaking
PET speaking Spin the wheel
Tools (PET)
Tools (PET) Labelled diagram
Clothes (PET)
Clothes (PET) Find the match
PET Cambridge Reading Part 1 ( Collins 2020 test 2)
PET Cambridge Reading Part 1 ( Collins 2020 test 2) Quiz
PET Cambridge Part 1 ( Collins 2020, test 1)
PET Cambridge Part 1 ( Collins 2020, test 1) Quiz
Reported Speech Quiz PET
Reported Speech Quiz PET Quiz
Verb phrases (KET)
Verb phrases (KET) Quiz
Present Perfect Rules
Present Perfect Rules Quiz
Verb phrases (KET)
Verb phrases (KET) Quiz
ex. 2
ex. 2 Match up
ex. 1
ex. 1 Complete the sentence
Schools Match up
MM SM 1 Pet show
MM SM 1 Pet show Image quiz
EGE Unit 6 Science and technology
EGE Unit 6 Science and technology Match up
Ex. 7
Ex. 7 Complete the sentence
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