
11-й класс Speaking

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EGE_Speaking_Task 3_Online learning 2
EGE_Speaking_Task 3_Online learning 2 Flip tiles
Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1
Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1 Speaking cards
healthy lifestyle
healthy lifestyle Match up
Словообразование adj
Словообразование adj Group sort
Н и НН в словах
Н и НН в словах Group sort
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Speaking cards
Future Tenses
Future Tenses Speaking cards
Gateway to the world b1+ Appearance and Personality
Gateway to the world b1+ Appearance and Personality Speaking cards
EGE_Speaking_Task 3_Offline learning
EGE_Speaking_Task 3_Offline learning Group sort
Conditionals Speaking cards
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards)
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards) Speaking cards
Would you rather b2
Would you rather b2 Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Speaking cards
Past Tenses
Past Tenses Speaking cards
Gateway B2+ (Unit 3 Vocabulary)
Gateway B2+ (Unit 3 Vocabulary) Find the match
I'd rather V1... than..; I would prefer to... ; I'd better V1
I'd rather V1... than..; I would prefer to... ; I'd better V1 Speaking cards
ЕГЭ №40 Вербицкая
ЕГЭ №40 Вербицкая Speaking cards
ЕГЭ №39 Вербицкая
ЕГЭ №39 Вербицкая Speaking cards
it is/ they are
it is/ they are Group sort
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Libraries Group sort
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Ebooks Quiz
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Recommend a book
EGE_OGE_Speaking_Recommend a book Quiz
Have you ever... for teens (speaking)
Have you ever... for teens (speaking) Open the box
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got Speaking cards
Present perfect speaking
Present perfect speaking Speaking cards
Задание 10 ЕГЭ. МИХНО
Задание 10 ЕГЭ. МИХНО Quiz
Past Story Dominoes DRAMA
Past Story Dominoes DRAMA Speaking cards
University life Gateway b2
University life Gateway b2 Speaking cards
ССП, СПП, БСП: разминка
ССП, СПП, БСП: разминка Quiz
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Quiz
7 задание ЕГЭ
7 задание ЕГЭ Group sort
Optimise B1+ (Unit 1)
Optimise B1+ (Unit 1) Group sort
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Speaking
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Speaking Speaking cards
State the form of the given infinitives
State the form of the given infinitives Speaking cards
Space Exploration Questions
Space Exploration Questions Speaking cards
Family Electronic assistant
Family Electronic assistant Speaking cards
Задание 8 ЕГЭ
Задание 8 ЕГЭ Find the match
gateway b2+ unit 3 phr verbs
gateway b2+ unit 3 phr verbs Match up
Правописание НЕ с различными частями речи
Правописание НЕ с различными частями речи Quiz
Производные предлоги
Производные предлоги Quiz
Числительные Group sort
Суффиксы существительных
Суффиксы существительных Group sort
ЕГЭ Русский язык. Задание 7
ЕГЭ Русский язык. Задание 7 Quiz
ОГЭ, ЗАДАНИЕ 8 True or false
Задание 6 ЕГЭ русский язык
Задание 6 ЕГЭ русский язык Quiz
Education ЕГЭ
Education ЕГЭ Match up
Правописание О и Ё после шипящих
Правописание О и Ё после шипящих Group sort
EGE 40
EGE 40 Gameshow quiz
Разряды местоимений
Разряды местоимений Group sort
OGE/EGE Word formation
OGE/EGE Word formation Complete the sentence
Н-НН в различных частях речи
Н-НН в различных частях речи True or false
Changes Speaking
Changes Speaking Flash cards
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