11-й класс Starlight 11
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ST 11 M4.4 cleft sentenses
Spin the wheel
ST11 M2.3 Vocab context
Find the match
Триг. окружность #1
Labelled diagram
Starlight 10 Crimes
Spin the wheel
Starlight 5 injuries
Match up
ST11 M1.4 Ways to talk & others
Group sort
Macht doch jemand mit? Possessivartikel
Flip tiles
Spotlight 11 Module 3b
Match up
Passive Voice
denn - Fragenrunde
Speaking cards
A victim of crime
Flash cards
Injures Spotlight 11
ST11 M3 Crime Vocabulary
Match up
ST11 M2.5 #3 context
Find the match
ST11 M2.2 Clean or Clear
Group sort
ST11 M2.3 Collocations. Q for discussion
Speaking cards
ST11 M2.4 couple or pair
Group sort
ST11 M2.2 Collective nouns
Group sort
ST11 M3.6 deep/strong/heavy
Group sort
ST11 M2.6 Collocation forks P1
Group sort
ST11 M3 Progress check #3
Complete the sentence
ST11 M4.2 Prepositions Questions for discussion
Open the box
Триг. окружность #2
Labelled diagram
Starlight 5 Social Etiquette
Match up
Peer pressure (Starlight 11 (2b))
Match up
Реакции в органической химии
Match up
Group sort
Group sort
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
Speaking cards
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Find the match
denn- und deshalb- Sätze
Flip tiles
ST11 M1.6 Modals (STAND, TAKE, RUN)
Group sort
ST11 M1.6 Idioms
Group sort
ST11 M1.6 Clauses
Group sort
Keeping fit (Task 4)
Group sort
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b
Speaking cards
Shopping online (Task 4)
Group sort
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A
Find the match
Spotlight5 a visit to the vet
Complete the sentence
against all odds
Gameshow quiz
Трудные причастия
Словообразование adj
Group sort
healthy lifestyle
Match up
EGE_Speaking_Task 3_Online learning 2
Flip tiles
Н и НН в словах
Group sort
ЕГЭ. Русский язык. Зачет по заданиям 11 и 12
Spin the wheel
7 задание ЕГЭ
Group sort
Starlight 6 anagrams
Spotlight 11 Module 2A ex.3
Match up
Appearance (1A) Spotlight 6
Group sort
Match up
furniture spotlight 5 unit 3b
Labelled diagram
EGE. Interview.Variant14
Speaking cards
My place spotlight 6 unit 2b
Labelled diagram