12-й класс
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10,000+ results for '12 класс'
Present perfect speaking
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
З или С на конце приставки
True or false
This These Those That
Find the match
Phrasal verbs with Get
Match up
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2]
Spin the wheel
weather conditions
Match up
SS Numbers - groups | 1-10, 10-20
Group sort
HSK 1 (вся лексика 1)
Match up
3. HSK1级 6-7课(拼音)
Match up
Difficult numbers
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Markers
Group sort
Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3
Spin the wheel
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got
Speaking cards
Past Story Dominoes DRAMA
Speaking cards
How is the boy?/ How is the girl?
Speaking cards
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
Speaking cards
Go Getter 3_Unit 3_Get Culture
Match up
Spotlight. 2.Lesson 12.My Home
Find the match
РКИ / Dates + genitive ( Даты рождения в Родительном падеже)
Speaking cards
4. HSK1级 8-9课(拼音)
Match up
Умножение на 4
5. HSK1级 10-11课(拼音)
Match up
2. HSK1级 4-5课(拼音)
Match up
HSK 1 (вся лексика 2)
Match up
5. HSK 2级 9-10课 (拼音)
Match up
Things you need on holiday
Match up
6. HSK 1级 12-13课 (拼音)
Match up
Танки Блиц
Maze chase
Labelled diagram
Proverbs and sayings in English with Russian equivalents.
Find the match
HSK1 12 урок 太...了 ...
Open the box
Prasal verbs with Come
Match up
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4
Open the box
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Find the match
Spotlight 5 Module 5
Group sort
FF 1 Unit 12
Find the match
Christmas family
Labelled diagram
I haven't V3 yet
Speaking cards
Questions sur le thème "Voyages et vacances"
Spin the wheel
Prepare 7 Unit 2 Vocabulary
Find the match
Ко дню птиц
Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 1_Missing words
Complete the sentence
FF1 Unit 12 (1)
Academy Stars 1 Reading time 1
Complete the sentence
FF 3 Unit 15
Labelled diagram
Academy stars 3 Unit 6
Match up