

Examples from our community

8,034 results for '13'

U-13 Vocab: Illnesses
U-13 Vocab: Illnesses Find the match
Asking questions
Asking questions Speaking cards
Valentines Day Quiz
Valentines Day Quiz Quiz
Go Getter 2 1.3
Go Getter 2 1.3 Group sort
Spotlight 5 Module 5
Spotlight 5 Module 5 Labelled diagram
Go Getter (2) 2.2 Vocabulary
Go Getter (2) 2.2 Vocabulary Anagram
My holidays!
My holidays! Find the match
Phrasal verbs with LOOK
Phrasal verbs with LOOK Quiz
Question Words
Question Words Complete the sentence
Go getter 2 1.1
Go getter 2 1.1 Group sort
Comparative/superlative Group sort
Unit 9 Clothes vocab
Unit 9 Clothes vocab Match up
Warm up questions A1.
Warm up questions A1. Speaking cards
Present Simple (+?-) routines
Present Simple (+?-) routines Quiz
Days of the week
Days of the week Rank order
U-12 Films Vocab
U-12 Films Vocab Match up
GG2 unit 2 grammar some/any
GG2 unit 2 grammar some/any Group sort
Answer the questions - Teens (was/were)
Answer the questions - Teens (was/were) Spin the wheel
Prepare 2 Birthday
Prepare 2 Birthday Quiz
GG2 unit 0 nationalities
GG2 unit 0 nationalities Matching pairs
Solutions elementary Unit 6F
Solutions elementary Unit 6F Match up
Unit 0.1 Have got
Unit 0.1 Have got Unjumble
Numbers 20-100
Numbers 20-100 Speaking cards
Primary Scavenger Hunt
Primary Scavenger Hunt Speaking cards
Conversación Open the box
Моя или Мой
Моя или Мой Quiz
Months sort by seasons
Months sort by seasons Group sort
GG 2 unit 0 have got, to be
GG 2 unit 0 have got, to be Complete the sentence
Present Continuous - At the swimming pool
Present Continuous - At the swimming pool Labelled diagram
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b Anagram
U-14 Prepositions of placement
U-14 Prepositions of placement Labelled diagram
Go getter 2 5.1
Go getter 2 5.1 Image quiz
Have got + to be
Have got + to be Complete the sentence
Weather Quiz
GG2 unit 2 grammar some/any 2
GG2 unit 2 grammar some/any 2 Group sort
I'm wearing/He's wearing/She's wearing
I'm wearing/He's wearing/She's wearing Speaking cards
Tell the time
Tell the time Match up
Question words
Question words Find the match
Starlight 6 Module 6 (a-g) Vocab revision
Starlight 6 Module 6 (a-g) Vocab revision Spin the wheel
Countries/nationalities Complete the sentence
Present Continuous Now or Future (GG3 7.1)
Present Continuous Now or Future (GG3 7.1) True or false
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Quiz
Go getter 2 1.2 Present Simple
Go getter 2 1.2 Present Simple Complete the sentence
Preposition of time, place, movement
Preposition of time, place, movement Complete the sentence
Tell me about...
Tell me about... Speaking cards
Poptrop Eng Isl 2. Unit 8 - Weather
Poptrop Eng Isl 2. Unit 8 - Weather Match up
Past vs Present Simple+ RELATIVE PRONOUNS (7th grade)
Past vs Present Simple+ RELATIVE PRONOUNS (7th grade) Quiz
Past Simple Regular Positive
Past Simple Regular Positive Quiz
Postcard Module 6C
Postcard Module 6C Complete the sentence
Spotlight 7 Module 9
Spotlight 7 Module 9 Group sort
Dress right
Dress right Match up
School objects - 1
School objects - 1 Image quiz
ST 5 M1e - Appearance
ST 5 M1e - Appearance Match up
Speaking -ing or infinitive
Speaking -ing or infinitive Spin the wheel
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