13 17
Examples from our community
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Conditionals ( unless, provided, supposing)
Speaking cards

Present Simple\ Present Continuous speaking cards
Speaking cards

Review Drills 13-17
Match up

Sport-related phrasal verbs
Match up

Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Spin the wheel

EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2
Complete the sentence

ed/ing adjectives and emotions
True or false

Writing an Article
Group sort

Money Management for Teens
Complete the sentence

Perfect tenses revision
Labelled diagram

Hotel Reservations
Match up

U-13 Vocab: Illnesses
Find the match

Intensifying adverbs
Group sort

Life ambitions
Group sort

Asking questions
Speaking cards

Future plans (going to + Present Continuous)
Speaking cards

Summer holidays speaking cards
Open the box

Valentines Day Quiz

Go Getter 2 1.3
Group sort

Spotlight 5 Module 5
Labelled diagram

Group sort

Go Getter (2) 2.2 Vocabulary

Third conditional Speaking practice
Speaking cards

My holidays!
Find the match

Adjectives 1 Outcomes unit 2
Complete the sentence

Talking about city question cards
Speaking cards

Extreme adjectives
Match up

Global warming/ climate change - essential vocabulary
Find the match

Cities collocations
Match up

Essay vs. Article (B1-B2)
Group sort

Modals of Probability
Labelled diagram

ed/ing adjectives B1
Spin the wheel

Easily confused expressions with MOST
Labelled diagram

Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Match up

Past Continuous vs. Past Simple - mistakes correction
True or false
Match up
Vocabulary Unit 1 City life
Complete the sentence
Describe the people
Speaking cards
Negative adjectives
ESTC 2 Unit 2 weather
True or false
Unit 1. Adjectives
Match up
everyday technology
Spin the wheel
Time words for stories
Spin the wheel
Question Words
Complete the sentence
Days of the week
Rank order
U-12 Films Vocab
Match up
GG2 unit 2 grammar some/any
Group sort
Answer the questions - Teens (was/were)
Spin the wheel
Group sort